  • 學位論文


Effect of fermented goat milk product on the regulation of blood pressure.

指導教授 : 王進崑




Goat milk is abundant in nutrients and contains lower lactose and allergen than cow milk. Antihypertensive effect has also been found in fermented goat milk. This study thus focused on the regulative effect on human blood pressure from the intake of fermented goat milk. A total of 50 recruited participants joined the clinical trial. All participants were pre-hypertensive patients with no history of taking anti-hypertensive medications. The analytical method utilized was a randomized, placebo-controlled and double blind study design. Each group ingested 6 tablets of fermented goat milk or placebo per day during 8 weeks of administration period. Then followed by 2 weeks of follow-up period post administration, and neither tablets was given to either groups. Blood pressure, anthropometric measurement, serum lipid, fasting blood sugar were measured every 2 weeks. In addition to understanding the mechanism of blood pressure, levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme, angiotensin I, angiotensin II and aldosterone were measured at the first and eighth week. In conclusion, the analytical result strongly suggests that blood pressure, angiotensin II and aldosterone were significantly decreased after 8 weeks of intervention in the experimental group.


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