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Effect of dietary copper sources and levels on growth, carcass and fecal copper excretions in growing-finishing pigs


本試驗旨在探討於生長肥育期豬隻飼糧中添加不同型式及含量的銅化物,對豬隻生長性能、屠體性狀、臟器中銅蓄積及排泄物中銅含量之影響。本試驗使用體重41.3±1.3 kg的LD雜交肉豬48頭,閹公豬及肉女豬各半,逢機分置於A、B、C及D等4種以玉米-大豆粕為主要原料之飼糧處理組。A組(對照組)在生長期和肥育期分別餵飼含粗蛋白質15.5%和14.0%,銅16 mg/kg和9.6 mg/kg,消化能均為3,250 kcal/kg之基礎飼糧。B組、C組和D組在生長期分別餵飼在基礎飼糧中額外添加硫酸銅(Cu 25.1%)、蛋白質螯合銅(Cu 10%)或γ-聚麩胺酸銅(Cu 35.6%)型式的銅35 mg/kg的飼糧;肥育期B組或C組在基礎飼糧中分別額外添加硫酸銅型式的銅35或5 mg/kg,D組則額外添加蛋白質螯合銅型式的銅5 mg/kg。生長期每處理3重複,每重複(欄)4頭,試驗期間4週;生長期結束後,每處理逢機擇取4頭閹公豬進行代謝試驗,餵飼與生長期相同飼糧;代謝試驗結束後進行肥育期試驗,試驗動物與分組同生長期,豬隻採個飼,試驗進行至豬隻平均體重100kg時結束。生長肥育期飼糧與飲用水均採任食。試驗結束後逢機擇半屠宰測定屠體性狀,採集肝、腎、脾、胰、膽汁、背最長肌及血液,分析銅含量。結果顯示,各組間豬隻之生長性能、屠體性狀和糞尿排泄量均相近。A組每日攝取銅量、糞便排泄銅量和糞便中銅的濃度,均顯著地(P<0.05)較其他三組為低。在銅的蓄積方面,各處理組肝臟中銅含量的濃度相近(27-33mg/kg),而胰臟、脾臟、膽汁及血清中銅的濃度均以B組最高。試驗所得結論,生長肥育豬餵飼以玉米-大豆粕為主要原料而不額外添加銅的飼糧,不會影響豬隻生長性能及屠體性狀,然而糞便中銅含量的濃度和每日排泄銅量均隨著銅攝取量增加而提高。


生長肥育豬 排泄量


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation with different forms or levels of copper on the growth, carcass quality and lean meat composition of growing-finishing pigs. A total of 48 LD (Landrace ♀×Duroc ♂)pigs, half barrows and half gilts, were assigned to four dietary treatments when their body weights were 41.3±1.3 kg. Group A (without extra Cu added) was control which was provided with the basal diet during growing-finishing stage. In the growing period, pigs in the groups B, C and D were fed basal diet (CP 15.5% and DE 3,250 kcal/kg) with 35 mg copper/kg by adding CuSO_4, Cu-proteinate or γ-PGA-Cu, respectively. The pigs in groups B and C were fed basal diet (CP 14% and DE 3,250 kcal/kg) with two levels of copper i.e. 35 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg from CuSO_4 , and in group D was provided 5 mg/kg from Cu-proteinate during the finishing period. In this study, the pigs were fed ad libitum of diet and water. The feeding trial was terminated when the body weight of pigs reached 100 kg. Half of the pigs were randomly chosen and slaughtered. The growth performance, carcass characteristics and copper concentration of diet, feces, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney, bile, Longissimus dorsi muscle and blood serum were measured. The result showed that the different forms of copper compounds did not affect the growth performance, carcass characteristics, fecal and urinary copper excretion of the pigs. The pigs of group A had lower (P < 0.05) daily Cu intake, Cu excretion and Cu concentration in feces than the other groups. Besides, the Cu concentration of liver ranged from 27-33 mg/kg, and no difference was observed among the treatments. Group B pigs had significantly higher (P < 0.05) Cu concentration in pancreas, spleen, bile and blood serum. In conclusion, pigs fed corn-soybean meal-based diets added different forms or levels of Cu did not affect the growth performance and carcass characteristics. However, the Cu concentration in feces and the excretion of Cu increased when daily Cu intake was increased.
