  • 期刊


Removal of odour in composting plant by biofiltration




生物濾床 脫臭 堆肥


The odourous gas emitted from composting plant was used to study the deodor efficiency by four pilotscale and a full-scale biofilters. The four treatments of pilot-scale biofiltration were sawdust filter with a humidifier (SW), biofilter with a humidifier (BW), sawdust filter without a humidifier (SD) and biofilter without a humidifier (BD). The ammonia removal rates by these treatments were 92%, 98%, 76%, and 89%, respectively. The biofilter with humidifier had highest efficiency in keeping the pH under 7.5, moisture content over 35%, and allowing ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) to continue to grow. Therefore, the biofilter with humidifier was set up in full-scale composting plant. The results showed the average ammonia concentrations of the inlet gas were 260 μL/L ( 30-1300 μL/L) and the ammonia and odour removal rates were 99.9 % and 96 %. Evaluation on the biofiltration systems with 3,300 kg of packing materials showed the operation cost of the sawdust filter without humidification and the biofilter with humidification were 99 and 30 NT dollars/day, and the latter was more economical and efficient.


Biofilter Deodour Compost
