  • 期刊

狼尾草(Pennisetum purpureum)地放養土雞之探討

The study of raising Taiwan native chicken in the field planting with napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum)


本試驗主要目的在於篩選狼尾草(Pennisetum purpureum Schum.)品種(系),供臺灣土雞臺畜肉十三號(Taiwan native chicken-13, TLRI-13)放山土雞任食芻料之參考。試驗以狼尾草新品系7728、7734、7768等3個品系與狼尾草臺畜草一號(CV. TLG1)及狼尾草臺畜草二號(CV. TLG2)等2個品種,共5品種(系)為材料,以未種植狼尾草為對照(CK)。使用逢機完全區集設計(randomized completely block design, RCRD)來比較這五個處理組與一個對照組。試驗共使用三個區集(重覆)。在每一區集內,每處理/對照組均有一個面積16.5m^2的圍籬雞欄。處理組均種植不同狼尾草品種(系)。開始時每一雞欄均飼養4公4母之9週齡雞隻。試驗期間,除種植狼尾草外,亦提供足夠飼料供其任食。當土雞20週齡時,調查狼尾草之覆蓋率、土壤成分、被啄羽雞隻數目、雞胸、腿之肉質分析等。結果顯示,將9週齡土雞飼養於種植不同狼尾草之飼養欄至20週齡後,狼尾草覆蓋率以CV. TLG2最高,狼尾草地覆蓋率仍達95%;飼養土雞後之土壤分析,放養前、後各飼養欄電導度值(electronic conductivity, EC)全部增加,達顯著性差異(P<0.05),但不同狼尾草材料之飼養欄EC值差異不顯著。土壤成分,除P放養後有增加趨勢外,其餘放養前、後之N、K及Mg等成分差異不大。未種植狼尾草之CK組20週齡土雞,被啄羽雞數目明顯增多。CK組3重複總共9隻被啄羽雞,種植CV. TLG1之飼養欄內有1隻,其餘種植不同狼尾草品種(系)均未有被啄羽雞隻,並藉由卡方分析顯示被啄羽雞數會因處理不同而有差異。不同狼尾草品種(系)間,除7734品系可增加公雞之屠體重外,其餘對20週齡之土雞重、屠宰率及雞肉脂肪酸差異均不顯著。綜合上述,狼尾草CV. TLG2品種及7734品系,分別可維持地表牧草之覆蓋率、增加公雞屠體重及減少被啄羽雞情形發生,但放養狼尾草對土雞肉質之脂肪酸影響不大。


狼尾草 臺灣土雞 放養


Objective of the study was to determine the optimum napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) cultivars (lines) for raising Taiwan native chicken Taishi no. 13 (TLRI - 13). Five napiergrass lines or cultivars, i.e. accession no.7728, 7734, 7768, CV. TLG1 and TLG 2 were used and no napiergrass was used as control (CK) in this study. Randomized completely block design was used to compare these five treatments and one control. There were three blocks (replications). Within each block, every treatment/control had one 16.5 m^2 area fenced pen. The treatment pen was planted with different napiergrass cultivars or lines. Initially, four male and four female chickens at 9 weeks of age were housed in every pen. Except for the planted grass, enough feed was supplied for adlibitum feeding. When chickens were 20 weeks of age, the covering ratio of napiergrass, soil chemical content, number of chicken which feather was pecked, and fatty acid of breast and leg meats were determined. Results showed that the covering ratio of CV. TLG2 was the difference highest (95% ) among all the entries. Electronic conductivity of every treatment significantly (P < 0.05) increased after raising chicken, but no significant difference was found among different treatments. Only Phosphoraus value in soil increased after trial. The contents of N, K and Mg in soil were not significantly changed after trial. Feed intake and dressing percentage of the chickens were not significantly different among napiergrass entries. The chickens with pecked feather for control, CV.TLG1 and the other napiergrass entries were 9, 1 and 0 birds/3 replicates, respectively, and were significantly different from each other (P < 0.0001) by X^2 test. The carcass weight of male chicken fed on napiergrass acc. no. 7734 was the highest. No. difference was observed for live weight, dressing percentage and fatty acids of breast and leg meats among napiergrass entries. The results showed that CV. TLG2 and acc. no.7734 were the highest in the covering ratio and carcass weight and lower in the chickens with pecked feather. The contents of fatty acids in the meat of chicken were not different in different napiergrass entries.
