  • 期刊


Effects of lactation period and parity on raw milk composition in Holstein dairy cows


本試驗調查畜產試驗所荷蘭種泌乳牛各泌乳階段與產次對牛乳組成分之影響,同時分析牛乳各組成分間之相關係數(correlation coefficients)。使用1,256筆DHI資料並依泌乳階段與產次進行分析。資料包括乳量(daily milk yield; DMY)、乳脂率(milk fat percentage; MFP)、乳蛋白率(milk protein percentage; MPP)、乳糖率(milk lactose percentage; MLP)、乳無脂固形物(milk solids-not-fat percentage; MSNFP)、乳總固形物(milk total solid percentage; MTSP)、乳體細胞數(Somatic cell counts; SCC)、乳體細胞分數(Somatic cell score; SCS)及乳脂肪與乳蛋白質比值(fat to protein ratio; FPR)。結果顯示泌乳階段與產次對DMY、MPP、MLP、MSNFP、MTSP、SCS與FPR具顯著性影響(P < 0.05)。MFP與SCC受產次影響(P < 0.001),但不受泌乳階段影響。DMY、MFP、MLP、MTSP、SCS與FPR具交感效應(interaction effect; P < 0.05)。第一產次之DMY顯著低於第二至第四產次之經產牛隻,而MPP、MLP、MSNFP及MTSP隨產次增加而降低。泌乳前期之DMY及FPR最高,而MPP、MSNFP、MTSP、SCC及SCS以泌乳後期最高。DMY與MPP呈負相關(r = -0.27; P < 0.001),但是分別與SCC(r = -0.10; P < 0.01)及SCS(r = -0.18; P < 0.001)呈低度的負相關。因此可從不同泌乳階段與不同產次對乳成分及其他評估指標之變化,來提供牛群飼養管理之改善及牛隻營養補充之參考依據。


The study was conducted to investigate the effect of lactation period and parity on milk composition and related parameters. The relationships among milk parameters were also analyzed. A total of 1,256 sets of Dairy Herd Improvement data were obtained and grouped by lactation period and parity. The data included daily milk yield (DMY), milk fat percentage (MFP), milk protein percentage (MPP), milk lactose percentage (MLP), milk solids-not-fat percentage (MSNFP), milk total solid percentage (MTSP), somatic cell counts (SCC), somatic cell score (SCS), and fat to protein ratio (FPR). Data analysis showed that the DMY, MPP, MLP, MSNFP, MTSP, SCS and FPR were affected by both lactation period and parity. Whereas, MFP and SCC were only influenced by parities. Additionally, DMY, MFP, MLP, MTSP, SCS and FPR were affected by interaction between lactation period and parity. DMY in the 1st parity was significantly lower than in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th parities, but MPP, MLP, MSNFP, MTSP, SCC and SCS were decreased with increasing parities. The DMY and FPR showed the greatest values in early period of lactation. On the contrary, MPP, MSNFP, MTSP, SCC, and SCS had the highest values in late period of lactation. The correlation analysis for indices showed that DMY had middle negative correlation with MPP (r = -0.27; P < 0.001), but low negative correlation with SCC (r = -0.10; P < 0.01) and SCS (r = -0.18; P < 0.001), respectively. The changing patterns of milk composition and related parameters in different lactation periods and parities could provide scientific reference for improving feeding management and nutritional supplementation for cows.
