  • 期刊


Effects of litter material on the growth performance, excretion and ammonia concentrations of chicken house for broiler


本試驗旨在探討墊料材質對肉雞生長性能、排泄量及雞舍氨濃度之影響。採用1日齡Cobb品系白肉雞720隻,逢機分置於4種稻殼及稻蒿容積比例的墊料處理組,即100%稻殼(H100組)、25%稻蒿+75%稻殼(H75組)、50%稻蒿+50%稻殼(H50組),及75%稻蒿+25%稻殼(H25組)。每處理4欄,每欄45隻,飲水及飼糧皆採任飼,飼養至35日齡結束生長試驗。結果顯示,試驗期間各組的育成率皆在97%以上,各組間平均日增重、平均攝食量、飼料效率及35日齡體重皆無差異顯著。在雞隻18日齡時,H75組雞欄入口的氨濃度顯著地較H100組為高;第25日齡時,H25組的平均氨濃度較H100及H50組為高(P < 0.05);而在雞隻32日齡時,各檢測點的氨濃度於各組間皆無顯著差異。試驗期間雞糞墊料平均產量為1.49-1.67kg/bird,排泄物乾物量則介於17-20g/bird/d之間。綜合以上結果,利用稻蒿替代稻殼作為肉雞墊料,對雞隻生長性能及雞舍空氣品質皆無顯著影響。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of litter material on the growth performance and excreta amount of broiler chicken and ammonia concentration of chicken house. A total of 720 one-day-old Cobb commercial broilers were assigned to four litter treatments with different volume ratio of rice hull and rice straw, those arrangements were respectively rice hull 100% (group H100), rice straw 25% plus rice hull 75% (group H75), rice straw 50% plus rice hull 50% (group H50) and rice straw 75% plus rice hull 25% (group H25). Each treatment had four pens and each pen raised 45 birds. Feed and water were provided ad libitum during the whole experimental period from 1 to 35 days of age. The results showed that the survival rates of broiler reached 97% for all of the treatments. There were no effects of different litter materials on the average daily gain, average daily feed intake, gain/feed of the broilers. The ammonia concentration measured at the entrance of group H75 chicken barn was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of group H100 at 18 days of age. The barn H25 had higher (P < 0.05) average ammonia concentration than groups H100 and H50 at 25 days of age, but did not affect the ammonia concentration at 32 days of age. The dry weight of manure litter and excreta produced were between 1.49-1.67 kg/ bird and 17-20 g/bird/day during the experiment period. In conclusion, using rice straw to replace rice hull as litter material do not affect the growth performance of broiler and ammonia concentration of chicken house.
