  • 期刊


Study on economic benefits of different improvement methods for pangolagrass


為探討多年生盤固草(Digitaria decumbens Stent.)地改良的方法,利用種植超過10年坡度30度之多年生盤固草地,分為兩組:非連續改良(第1年進行改良處理,第2年不進行改良處理)及連續二年改良(第1年進行改良處理,第2年繼續進行改良處理),每組處理則以不改良之盤固草地為對照(CK)、施用800kg/ha有機肥+迴轉犁(有迴,OFRC)、每分鐘1,600轉迴轉犁(迴,RC)、80kg/ha青皮豆(Glycine max)+迴轉犁(青迴,SRC)及40kg/ha太陽麻(Crotalaria juncea L.)+迴轉犁(太迴,SHRC),小區行長50公尺,寬2.5公尺,試驗採逢機完全區集設計(randomized completely block design, RCBD),3重複,約每90天收穫一次,調查乾草產量、分析植體與土壤成分,並比較連續收穫七次之淨收益。結果顯示,非連續二年改良組:共七次收獲產量最高為SHRC處理,達53.62公噸/公頃,最低為RC處理達44.53公噸/公頃。連續二年改良組,七次收穫產量最高為SHRC處理之54.28公噸/公頃,RC處理最低為44.77公噸/公頃。綜合三年共七次收穫,連續二年改良之產量較非連續二年改良產量高,但實際之經濟效益確以非連續二年改良較連續改良為高,且非連續改良之SHRC處理淨收入143,836元最高。較CK為140,896元高。植體成分以含有青皮豆或太陽麻之牧草植體粗蛋白質(crude protein, CP)較高外,其餘處理之植物體成分及土壤成分差異均不顯著。綜合上述結果,盤固草山坡地三年翻犁一次種植太陽麻處理之淨收入最高,而連續二年改良之淨效益會因機械等支出使淨收入減少。


盤固草 多年生 草地改良


The object of this study was to determine the efficacy of improving methods for perennial pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens Stent.) pasture grown more than 10 years on slope of 30 degrees of hill side. The different cultured methods including discontinued and continued improvement will test on next year. The forage yield, quality and soil characters were evaluated after different treatments i. e., control (CK), organic fertilizer (800 kg/ha) with rotary cultivator (OFRC), rotary cultivator 1,600 rpm (RC), soybean (Glycine max) (80 kg/ha) with rotary cultivator (SRC) and sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) (40 kg/ha) with rotary cultivator (SHRC). Chemical analysis of forage showed that the SRC and SHRC have higher crude protein as compared to other treatments for both two modes. No signification difference was observed among all treatments of both modes for soil properties. Although SHRC of discontinued modes produced the highest forage yield, 53.62 ton/ha. The highest net income was 143,836 NTD for SHRC of discontinued treatments. As considering the net income, the SHRC treatment of discontinued tillage would be recommended for pangolagrass pasture improvement.
