  • 期刊


Evaluation of the effect of replacing with corn by feed rice in diets on growth performances, blood biochemical values and carcass characteristics for Duroc crossbred KHAPS black pigs


本研究在探討以不同比例飼料糙米(臺中秈17號)取代玉米對生長肥育期黑豬(含25%梅山豬及75%杜洛克)生長性能、血液及屠體性狀之影響。試驗選用體重相近之高畜雜交黑豬60頭,閹公豬和肉女豬各半,逢機分至5個處理組,即以飼料糙米取代0%(對照組)、50%、75%及100%之玉米;因考量高取代量有影響豬肉色澤之虞,第5處理組於肥育期階段於第4組飼料中另添加0.2%胺基酸鐵。每欄飼養豬隻1頭,每處理12欄。飼糧係以玉米-大豆粕為主要飼料原料,試驗開始豬隻平均體重28kg,試驗分為生長期(體重28-70kg)和肥育期(體重70-115kg),生長期對照組飼料含粗蛋白質18.2%、可消化能3,104 kcal/kg,肥育期飼料含粗蛋白質16.3%、可消化能3,254 kcal/kg,試驗至體重達115kg結束。試驗期間收集豬隻生長性能、血液生化值及屠體性狀資料,並作為衡量指標。結果顯示,以不同比例飼料糙米取代玉米對黑豬之日增重、飼料攝食量、飼料轉換率及體重達115公斤天數、血液生化值及屠體性狀均無顯著差異,故在黑豬生長肥育期飼料中,飼料糙米可完全取代玉米。


An experiment was carried out to compare growth performances and plasma traits of various levels of feed rice in substitution for corn in ration for Duroc crossbred KHAPS black pig (DK, KHAPS black pigs ♀ × Duroc ♂, 75% Duroc). A total of 60 KHAPS black pigs crossbred pigs, average body weight 28 kg, were used as experimental animals. Pigs were allocated into 5 treatments by body weight (BW) and fed with five diets, i.e. Control (C), graded levels substitution of corn in control diet by feed rice meal, (SC 50%, SC 75%, SC 100% and SC 100% added 0.2% iron amino acid). Feed and water were provided on ad libitum basis. When BW of the pigs reached approximately 70 kg, the grower pigs experiment was finished and growth performance were measured. Experiment was finished when the BW of pigs reached 115 kg. Pigs were fed the basal corn-soybean meal diet which contained CP 18.20% and DE 3,104 kcal/kg (Grower stage) and CP 16.28% and DE 3,254 kcal/kg (Finisher stage). Six pigs from each treatment were slaughtered and the carcass characteristics were measured. Growth performance, blood biochemical values and carcass characteristics of loin meat were evaluated. The results showed that various levels of rice instead of corn had no effects on growth performance, blood biochemical values and carcass characteristics.
