  • 期刊


The recycling and processing method on hatched waste eggshell of goose


孵化蛋殼廢棄物為家禽孵化後的廢棄物,若能將其回收再利用,除可減少廢棄物的處理問題,同時可成為有用之材料。本試驗的目的在開發孵化後廢棄蛋殼之處理回收技術並評估其可行性。試驗以孵化鵝蛋殼為試驗材料,經清洗、浸泡、去除蛋殼膜及烘乾等處理後,回收蛋殼並粉碎製成回收蛋殼粉,回收蛋殼的回收率為83.3 ± 2.9%(mean ± SD),顯示本試驗建立之處理技術,可有效處理並回收孵化後廢棄鵝蛋殼並製成蛋殼粉。回收鵝蛋殼的厚度及成分經測定與分析,結果顯示,經去除蛋殼膜的回收鵝蛋殼厚度為0.51 ± 0.04 mm。回收蛋殼粉的灰分為96.53 ±0.05%,其中鈣的含量為38.19 ± 0.65%,磷及鎂等元素則均不及0.2%。蛋殼中主要成分為碳酸鈣,依此推算回收蛋殼粉中的碳酸鈣含量為95%。由於其含高量的碳酸鈣,顯示回收之蛋殼粉可作為碳酸鈣的材料。


蛋殼 蛋殼粉


The hatched waste eggshell was produced at avian hatching industry, and the waste was also a problem for the industry. The waste could be a resource, if it was was processed and recycled. The purpose of this study was to set up an easily process to recycle the hatched waste eggshell. The steps of recycling process include washing, immersing, removing the shell membranes, drying and then smashed into powder. The recovery rate of the recycled eggshell powder was 83.3 ± 2.9%. It means that this process was a useful method for the hatched waste eggshell recycling. The thickness of the recycled geese eggshell and composition of the recycled eggshell powder was also determined. The thickness of the recycled geese eggshell was 0.51 ± 0.04 mm (mean ± SD). The ash, calcium and magnesium of the recycled eggshell powder was 96.53 ± 0.05%, 38.19 ± 0.65% and 0.15 ± 0.021%, respectively. Phosphorus and magnesium were not more than 0.2%. The major composition of the recycled eggshell powder was CaCO_3, and the calculated value of CaCO_3 was 95%. It seems that the recycled eggshell powder can be a calcium carbonate resource.


Geese Eggshell Eggshell powder
