  • 期刊


Study on the addition of natural pigment from local agricultural products in the ration for improving the coloration of the ISA egg yolk


本研究旨在探討於伊莎(Isa)褐殼蛋雞飼糧中,添加切碎的新鮮韭菜葉鞘與麵包樹葉等地區性農業天然色素資材,對其產蛋性能與蛋黃顏色之影響。採用45週齡之伊莎蛋雞90隻,逢機分為3個處理組,每處理組30隻,每處理組3重複,每重複10隻,以個別籠飼方式進行試驗。試驗之飼糧以額外添加之方式,添加5%切碎新鮮韭菜葉鞘(A組)與5%切碎新鮮麵包樹葉(B組)等2組試驗組,而對照組(C組)僅供飼玉米-大豆粕為主之基礎飼糧,三組飼糧之粗蛋白質與代謝能含量分別為CP17%與ME 2,900 kcal/kg。試驗至70週齡止,試驗期間飼料及飲水採任食,記錄採食量、產蛋個數、蛋重等,且計算產蛋率,並分別於第49、54、59、64及69週齡時收集雞蛋進行品質檢測。結果顯示,雞隻之死亡率、隻日產蛋率、平均蛋重、蛋殼強度、殼重佔蛋重百分比、蛋殼厚度等各組間均無顯著差異。在蛋品質方面,三組間之平均蛋型、蛋黃比例及豪氏單位等組間亦無差異存在。以羅氏蛋黃比色扇檢測蛋黃呈色數值顯示,採食添加5%切碎新鮮韭菜葉鞘組與添加5%切碎新鮮麵包樹葉組者,於49週齡後,明顯(P<0.05)較對照組為黃。試驗組蛋黃之a值與b值,也僅於49週齡時,顯著(P<0.05)高於對照組。在對照組與麵包樹組之蛋黃於49週齡時其L值卻顯著(P<0.05)較韭菜葉鞘組為高。其蛋黃之L、a值及b值隨著伊莎蛋雞產蛋週齡增加,而無組間差異存在。在蛋黃成分分析中,兩試驗組蛋黃內所含之葉黃素與β-胡蘿蔔素濃度皆顯著(P<0.05)高於對照組。試驗結果顯示,飼糧中額外添加5%切碎新鮮韭菜葉鞘或5%切碎新鮮麵包樹葉組者,皆可有效改善雞蛋之蛋黃色度,並提高蛋黃之葉黃素與β-胡蘿蔔素含量,是具有推廣潛力,可做為提升蛋黃色素添加物之替代方案。


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effects of chive sheath and breadfruit leaf on the egg production and yolk color in ISA layer hens. 90 ISA layer hens were carried out in the cages from 45 to 70 weeks of age and randomly allotted into 3 different treatments, which were basal feed with 5% fresh chive sheath chopped (group A), basal feed with 5% fresh breadfruit leaf chopped (group B) and basal feed (group C), respectively. The number of egg production and the weight of the egg were recorded; moreover, the quality of the egg was evaluated at 49, 54, 59, 64 and 69 weeks of age, respectively. The results showed that no significant difference was observed among groups on the mortality, daily feed intake, egg production rate, egg weight and egg shell quality of the experimental hens. Both the scores of Roche yolk color fan and the a values of yolk color in group A and B were higher than those in group C (P < 0.05) at 49 weeks of age. In the analysis of yolk content, both the concentrations of lutein and β-carotene were higher in the groups of chive sheath and breadfruit leaf than those of the control group (P < 0.05). It was suggested that adding 5% fresh chive sheath chopped and 5% fresh breadfruit leaf chopped in hen diet could improve the color of the yolk and enrich the contents of lutein and β-carotene in yolk efficiently.
