  • 期刊


Physicochemical analysis for breast meat of Commercial Mule duck, Pekin duck and Muscovy in Taiwan


本試驗目的在於分析臺灣現今主要肉鴨品種之肉質基礎資料。鴨隻來源為國內商用土番鴨、北京鴨和紅面番鴨,試驗處理組分為土番鴨胸肉(MD)、北京鴨胸肉(PD)和紅面番鴨胸肉(MU),分析項目計有一般組成分、色澤、剪切值、保水性、胺基酸組成分、脂肪酸組成分、氧化酸敗值和總生菌數。試驗結果顯示,MU組之水分含量為73.53%顯著低於其他組,而粗蛋白質和粗脂肪則顯著最高。PD組具有最高之L值(32.79)和最低之a值(14.67),b 值最高為MU 組(3.35)。剪切值方面,各組間皆具顯著差異,以MU組最高,PD組最低,蒸煮失重以MD組31.29%最高,三組之pH值無顯著差異,介於6.07-6.14之間。胺基酸組成分方面,三組皆以麩胺酸含量最高,為2.86%-3.03%,而總胺基酸含量各組無顯著差異。MU組具有最高比例之飽和脂肪酸和最低比例之多元不飽和脂肪酸,單元不飽和脂肪酸於三組間無顯著差異。MU組於4℃冷藏1週後其氧化酸敗值(Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances, TBARS)0.52 mg/kg,顯著低於其他組。此三種品種鴨肉之堅實度具顯著差異,綜上所述,可利用此特色搭配不同溫度之熱處理、嫩化或熟成等加工方式開發多樣化鴨肉產品,以增加消費量,本試驗相關數據可供加工業者參考應用。


土番鴨 北京鴨 紅面番鴨 胸肉 理化分析


This experiment was conducted to analyze the physicochemical qualities of duck breast meats for Mule duck, Pekin duck and Muscovy. The MD, PD and MU were grouped the breast meats of Mule duck, Pekin duck and Muscovy respectively. The analyze items included the proximate analysis, color, shear force, cooking loss, pH value, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition, Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) value and total plate counts. The results showed the moisture of MU group was the lowest at 73.53%, and crude protein (22.93%) and crude fat (1.98%) were the highest significantly. There were the highest L-value (32.79) and lowest a-value (14.67) for PD group, and highest b-value (3.35) for MU group. The shear force of MU group was the highest but PD group was the lowest, in addition, the cooking loss of MD group was highest at 31.29%. The pH values of all groups were among 6.07-6.14 (P > 0.05). The content of glutamic acid was the highest in these three groups which were 2.86%-3.03%, and there were no significant differences at the total amino acid contents for all groups. The saturated fatty acid ratio of MU group was significantly higher and polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio was lower than other groups. The TBARS value of MU group was the lowest at 0.52 mg/ kg significantly after storing 1 week at 4°C. In conclusion, there were significantly different values of firmness among three duck meat so that made the different characteristics. It could improve the demand of duck meat using the heating processing at different temperature, tenderization or aging to develop various duck meat products. The results of this experiment could be used as a reference for the meat processing industry.
