  • 期刊


Evaluation of the advantages of mixed planting of forage corn with forage sorghum


青割玉米為臺灣地區重要芻料作物,惟受限氣候因素及避免栽培風險,夏季為青割玉米空窗期。本研究主要探討夏季多降雨期間,青割玉米與不同生育型芻料高粱混植栽培效益,期能有助於夏季芻料生產與供應。以行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所選育的青割玉米墾丁一號(Kenting no.1, KT 1)、高莖型芻料高粱品系(品系代號FSH 01)與分蘖型芻料高粱品系(品系代號FSM 02)等3個品種系為試驗材料,分別進行春作混植及夏作芻料高粱宿根栽培試驗。參試處理包含單植青割玉米、單植高莖型芻料高粱、單植分蘖型芻料高粱、混植青割玉米與高莖型芻料高粱及混植青割玉米與分蘖型芻料高粱等5種不同單、混植處理。田間試驗設計為逢機完全區集設計,並依一般慣行栽培方式進行春、夏作栽培管理。春作混植栽培試驗結果顯示,於生育中、後期不僅作物與品系間有生長差異外,亦顯現混植間作物競爭的影響,尤以植株鮮重差異最明顯,單植高莖型芻料高粱865.5 g最重,混植青割玉米之分蘖型芻料高粱363.3 g最輕。青割玉米與芻料高粱混植栽培,玉米有較佳生長優勢,芻料高粱生育明顯受青割玉米影響,混植青割玉米之高莖型芻料高粱植株鮮重僅427.3 g。春作單位面積鮮草產量,分蘖型芻料高粱與青割玉米混植產量62.0 mt/ha,顯著高於高莖型芻料高粱與青割玉米混植41.5 mt/ha(P<0.05)。梅雨期間雖逢大量降雨,但田間無積水且無植株發生倒伏,交叉保護效果明顯。春作單、混植植體營養成分,單、混植芻料高粱粗蛋白質含量介於8.53-9.81%,單、混植芻料高粱的青割玉米粗蛋白質含量7.82-9.28%,與高莖型芻料高粱混植的青割玉米為9.28%最高,顯著高於單植青割玉米7.82%(P<0.05)。春作芻料青貯品質,不論單、混植組合芻料,所有青貯品質評分均達優良等級(93.0-98.0)。夏作芻料高粱宿根再生栽培結果顯示,在植株鮮重、乾物重、莖/葉乾物重比與乾物率等性狀,品系間呈顯著差異。宿根刈割鮮草產量,以混植高莖型芻料高粱產量78.4 mt/ha最高,顯著高於其它單、混植處理組合(P<0.05)。累計總產量以混植青割玉米與分蘖型芻料高粱124.8 mt/ha最高且產量穩定(春作與夏作收量分別62.0與62.8 mt/ha)。綜合試驗結果,青割玉米與分蘖型芻料高粱混植栽培,可提供作為夏季生產芻料的另一種栽培模式。


青割玉米 芻料高粱 氣候變遷 混植 單植


Forage corn is an important forage crop in Taiwan. The production of forage corn was short due to climatic factors in the summer. The objectives of this study were mainly to explore the advantages of mixed planting of forage corn with the different growth types of forage sorghums, which can improve the forage production and supplement the shortage of forage corn production in the summer. Forage corn Kenting No.1 (KT 1), forage sorghum (FSH 01) with high stem and forage sorghum (FSM 02) with tillering type selected by the Hengchun Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture were used. There were 5 different treatments, including forage corn with pure stand, high-stem forage sorghum with pure stand, tillerng type forage sorghum with pure stand, forage corn mixed with high-stem forage sorghum, and forage corn mixed with tillering type forage sorghum. The field experiment design was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications per treatment, with the cultivation management in compliance with the general cultivation practice. The results showed that significant growth differences were observed between crop species and among entry variety and lines in middle and late growth stage in spring crop. The growth competition was also observed in mixed planting, especially with the visible fresh weight of the plant. When forage corn was the mixed planting with forage sorghum, forage corn exhibited better growth and influence on the growth of forage sorghum. The fresh yield of tillering type forge sorghum mixed planting with forage corn was 62.0 mt/ha, which was significantly higher than that of high-stem forage sorghum mixed planting with forage corn (41.5 mt/ha) in spring crop. No lodging was observed in mixed planting between forage corn and forage sorghum. The two crop species could protect each other in mixed planting. In terms of the quality of forage silage of pure stand and mixed planting in spring crop, all silage quality scores reached the grade of ecellence (93.0-98.0). For the regrowth of forage sorghum in summer, it showed that both fresh and dry weights per plant, stem/leaf ratio and dry matter percentage were significantly different between the lines. The fresh weight of forage sorghum with high-stem was 78.4 mt/ha, significantly higher than those of the others. The total fresh yield combined two harvests for forage corn mixed planting with tillering type forage sorghum, which was 124.8 mt/ha and the highest among all the treatments. It was suggested that forage corn mixed planting with tillering type forage sorghum might provide an alternative cultivation system that will increase forage production and supplement in the summer.
