

多种因果机制的存在证明了“腐败情况与侵害人权状况存在正向关联”。本文旨在探讨这些因果机制,并为厘清腐败与人权之间的关系提供实证数据支持。这些数据包括腐败与人身权利(personal integrity)指标,以及政治、经济和社会权利指标。当人们享有中等及以上程度的人权时,腐败对人权的影响就会愈加明显。腐败与人权的联系并非恒定不变,而是存在转折点的。在某些特定时刻,反腐会带来更大的成效,而墨西哥目前正处于这样的关键阶段。


Various causal mechanisms exist that make it possible to assert that more corruption equals more violations of human rights. This article explores those mechanisms and offers empirical evidence of this relation by applying statistics to indicators of corruption and personal integrity, as well as of political, economic, and social rights. The main impact occurs when people enjoy these rights at a medium to high level. The connection between corruption and human rights is not constant and has inflection points. At certain times the fight against corruption yields more results, and this is the juncture at which Mexico currently finds itself.
