  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Evaluation of Social Welfare Eligibility by Considering Factors in Judgment of Maintenance Expenses




Since the Civil Code article 1118-1 was revised in 2010, citizens will have the option to waive or minimize the requirement to provide support for their family members. However, there is no standardized definition of what constitutes an instance being "inequitable for a person to pay the maintenance." Using the content analysis method and a review of 327 cases from 2019 to 2021, this study intends to summarize the court's ruling on exempting the duty to pay maintenance. It was discovered using Chi-square and logistic regression that living apart, divorce, and incarceration were all significant factors. In the meanwhile, disagreements over social welfare systems and the requirement to pay maintenance have come to light recently. Additionally, this essay tried to explain its connections and offer suggestions.
