  • 期刊


The Research on Higher Education Extracurricular Learning Core Competencies and Measuring Indicators


本研究旨在建構高等教育課外學習核心能力項目,首先採用文獻分析法,整合分析「高教機構核心能力排序」與「校外機構核心能力排序」兩個面向,獲得核心能力之重要性排序。再透過問卷調查法,調查26所大專校院教師、學務人員、大學生對於高等教育課外學習核心能力重要性與成功情況的看法,施測樣本為911份,六點量表其得分平均值介於4.20至5.56之間,顯示受試者認為具重要性;而對大學生具備程度之看法,其得分平均值介於3.10至4.28之間,顯示受試者認為具備程度偏低。其次經由重視程度-績效水準分析(Importance - Performance Analysis),優先選取作為本研究課外學習核心能力之共通性項目,為溝通表達能力、創新創造能力、團隊合作能力、終身學智能力、問題解決能力、正向態度能力、人際關係能力、批判思考能力及國際視野能力9項。研究結果除提供各大學參考,以發展符合學校特色的課外學習核心能力項目,及政府運用此模式,進行全國性的大學生課外學習能力考核比較,以作為提升大學積效的重要依據外,其次可作為各校調整學生發展課程、修正方案及強化輔導的依據。


The study aims to construct higher education extracurricular leaning core competencies and its measuring indicators. Firstly, this study employed document analysis to analyze "the higher education institutions core competencies in order of importance" and "off-campus institutions core competencies in order of importance" for obtaining the importance of core competencies of higher education extracurricular leaning. Secondly, by quantitative research, the study investigated teachers, student affairs personnel, and students, from twenty six universities the importance and the success of core competencies of higher education extracurricular learning. For university teachers, student affairs personnel and students views on the importance of thirty core competencies related to extracurricular learning, the average score on a six-point scale is between 4.20 and 5.56. This shows that the subjects consider these core competencies are of importance. For subject views on the degree to which university students have these core competencies, the average score is between 3.10 and 4.28. Therefore, the subjects believe that the degree to which university students have these core competencies tends to be low. According to the Importance - Performance Analysis on extracurricular learning core competencies, The general extracurricular leaning core competencies that are prioritized to be selected include communication and expression abilities, innovative abilities and creativity, cooperative ability, life-long leaning ability, problem solving skills, positive attitudes and outlooks, interpersonal skills, critical thinking ability, and global views. In addition. The results of the study can assist universities with developing characteristic extracurricular learning core competencies of their students and staff and developing assessment indicators; The government can follow this study's approach to conduct nationwide assessments of university students' extracurricular learning competencies that can be a basis for improving university performances. In addition, the results of the study can provide a basis for universities to modulate student development curriculums, modify plans and improve counseling services.


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