  • 期刊

Enhancing Translator Imaginative Capacity Through the Appreciation of the Arts



Translation does not merely concern itself with the practice of meaning transfer between languages but also with the way in which translators imagine other minds. The ability to imagine and ascertain the psyche and thoughts of others is vital to translation competence and should be developed in courses on translator training. This essay puts forth the argument that a translator's imaginative capacity can be trained and enhanced through an appreciation of the arts. Kant's aesthetic judgment is an exemplary principle for the appreciation of the arts owing to its construction of the philosophical and theoretical foundation behind which one's imaginative faculty can be put into practice. A key concept behind Kantian aesthetic judgment deals with how a work of art, though created with an artist's specific purpose and intention in mind, presents itself as a product of nature unconstrained by rules. To accomplish this effect, an artist must harness the genius by which nature becomes the rule of art. Nature, however, as construed by the artist and articulated by Baudelaire, manifests itself as a translated nature, interpreted by means of the artist's own impressions. So, when a viewer, in turn, interprets a work of art, this becomes a retranslation of a translation. The viewer's interpretation/translation of the work is an all the more daunting hermeneutic task owing to the fact that the artist, imbued with genius, possesses aesthetic ideas beyond his/her present conceptual understanding which, when involved in the process of creating the piece of art, obscure to the artist just how the piece is produced. Nonetheless, such an exercise is an extremely effective way to practice one's imagination. It is also an efficient way to develop one's visualization capability, which is an important ability that would trigger creativity in the process of translation. To this end, as an illustrative demonstration, a drill in the appreciation of a painting as a work of art has been suggested. In all, through the aesthetic appreciation of the arts, we not only become more imaginative in the evaluation of another's artwork, but also more caring in the apprehension of another's mind, which is an indispensable attribute for the human translator in this age of technological hegemony.




藝術 想像力 自然 視覺化 康德美學 夏爾.波特萊爾
