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On the Boundary Between Narration and Lyricism of Pre-Modern Chinese Literature




邊界 共生 分化 消長 互滲


From a comprehensive perspective of the development and evolution of Chinese literature, we can see that narration and lyricism have gone through the course of commensalism, divisions, growth and decline, and mutual permeation. The boundary between narration and lyricism is constantly fluxing and changing, without a clear-cut definition. From primitive religions to performative writings such as The Book of Songs, narration and lyricism were originally co-existing. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period and the Han Dynasty, the narration in The Book of Songs began to separate from analogies and symbols. To be more precise, narration as a technique was separated from narration as a style (fu), and the literary genre fu was separated from the other literary genres. Narration and lyricism became divided, and their boundary became clearer. After Wei and Jin Dynasties, the lyric genre, represented by poetry, and the narrative genre, represented by novels and drama, developed in separate ways. The boundary between narration and lyricism is mainly represented in stylistic classification and narration and lyricism were not always distinguished until Ming and Qing Dynasties. While the relationship between narration and lyricism changed, they permeated into each other in some specific genres. Thus, narration and lyricism are not static and dichotomous concepts, but with fluxing and changing boundaries.


六臣注:《文選》,杭州:浙江古籍出版社,1999 年版。
于省吾:《甲骨文字詁林》,第 4 册,北京:中華書局,1996 年版。
毛亨傳,鄭玄箋,孔穎達正義:《毛詩正義·大序》,阮元校刻《十三經注疏》本,北京:中華書局,1980 年版。
王國維:《觀林堂集·釋史》,北京:中華書局,1959 年版。
王弼、韓康伯注,孔穎達正義:《周易正義》,阮元校刻《十三經注疏》本,北京:中華書局,1980 年版。

