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Cultural Difference and Cultural Identity in Zuozhuan




蠻夷 夷狄 戎狄 東夷 華夷之辨 華夷之辯 《左傳》


There is no fixed categorical term for barbarians in Chinese. Specific groups are identified as "aliens" or "cultural others" through words like Man蠻, Yi夷, Rong戎, and Di狄, but all four terms can be specific or categorical. It is often said that the us-versus-them formula in Zuozhuan (and early Chinese texts in general) is cultural rather than ethnic, but precise definitions of cultural difference can be elusive. This article focuses on three issues regarding the representation of cultural difference: (1) Who is the barbarian? Can we find the decisive criterion in modes of warfare, relationship to the land, or ritual? Why does the representation of Chu and Wu shifts between idealization and "barbarization"? Lu's dealings with the eastern Yi domains are especially interesting, since they show how representation of cultural others is inseparable from cultural self-definition. Similarities and shared roots seem to have generated the impetus for emphasizing distinctions. (2) Arguments on cultural connections or lack thereof are often built on historical retrospection. Embracing historical ties with barbarians can be a way to resist Zhou dynasty demands, even as using the ancient past to disclaim the status of cultural other can function to assert hegemonic ambition. The author examines the uses of history to manipulate notions of shared roots and radical difference. (3) Since the negative qualities attributed to barbarians come up in speeches, we need to consider the rhetorical context of moralizing otherness. Whether the issue is debates on military strategy, the choice of war or peace, the etiquette of presenting the spoils of victory, or the relationship between Zhou and the leader of the covenant, we see how attention to particular motives and circumstances driving historical developments results in a complex and nuanced picture that resists simplistic and moralized formulations of cultural identity and cultural difference.


《中華學術論文集》,北京:中華書局,1981 年版。
方向東:《大戴禮記彙校集解》,北京:中華書局,2008 年版。
王鳴盛撰,黄曙輝校點:《十七史商榷》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2013 年版。
王獻唐:《春秋邾分三國考、三邾疆邑圖考》,濟南:齊魯書社,1982 年版。
