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Differentiation of Interchangeable Characters in He Xiu's Current Version of Interpretation of Gongyang




何休 春秋公羊解詁 通用 獨用 别用


He Xiu's diction is featured by use of exclusive characters and use of different characters rather than by use of interchangeable characters. Use of exclusive words means using only one character when two characters can be used interchangeably. Use of different words means though two interchangeable characters can be used to replace each other, He Xiu refuses to use them to replace each other because they differ in meaning. Use of interchangeable characters means two characters, though different in form, can be used interchangeably, for they express the same meaning. However, considering that use of exclusive characters and use of different characters and use of interchangeable characters are opposed in their usage, it can be deduced, based must be caused by on He Xiu's version and other versions, that it mistranscription of later generations that there are so many interchangeable characters in He Xiu's current version of Interpretation of "Gongyang". A knowledge of this can terminate the errors and chaos in this field.


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王弼、韓康伯注,孔穎達疏:《周易注疏》,阮刻本《十三經注疏》,臺北:臺北藝文印書館景印清嘉慶廿年南昌府學槧本,1989 年版。
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