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A Detailed Analysis of Chou Fu's Thoughts on the Study of the Changes: Notes Taken in Collating and Reading Chou Fu's Yili Huican




As a famous scholar-official of the late Qing dynasty, Chou Fu (1837-1921) is an important figure in late imperial and modern Chinese history. Although he was not well-known for his study of the Book of Changes, his work Yili huican that expresses his thoughts and interests on the study of this text is worth reading. There were two schools in the study of the Book of Changes during the Qing dynasty: one focuses on the philological study of the contents and the other, on the philosophical one. Chou Fu maintained a middle way between the two. He was able to avoid the tedious philological examination and, in the meantime, reject the superstitious "images and numbers "interpretation. He used the Book of Changes to guide his everyday social life, to understand the spirits of different times, and to help himself conduct official business during the tumultuous late Qing period. From this perspective, Chou Fu's work should be considered a new development in the study of the Book of Changes, a work that has long been overlooked in this field.


(清末民初)周馥著:《易理匯參》《負暄閒語》《玉山詩集》《玉山文集》《治水述要》(附《河防雜著四種》)《周愨慎公奏稿》《周愨慎公公牘》《周愨慎公電稿》《周愨慎公自著年譜》,氏著《周愨慎公全集》,民國十一年(1922)孟春秋浦周氏校刻本。 《玉山詩集》,并見民國庚申本(1920 年以聚珍版印行於滬上)。
《玉山詩集》,并見民國庚申本(1920 年以聚珍版印行於滬上)。
