  • 會議論文

The Impact of Consumer Reviews on Purchasers' Vecision-making, with Perceived Value and Perceived risk as the Mediating Effect, Cognitive Demand as the Moderating Effect, and Tourism as an Example


Research theme: With the rapid rise of Internet technology and social media platforms, short-term rental sharing platforms rely on the Internet to connect landlords with idle housing assets and travel consumers who need zero-hour accommodation. Due to the advantages of short subletting, high-cost performance, and strong experience, it has gradually become an important choice for tourism consumers. In addition, because the communication between platform merchants and travel consumers relies on the online platform, online reviews generated by consumers after the purchase experience can effectively alleviate the problem of asymmetry in information exchange between merchants and consumers on the platform, which will affect consumers' online shopping decisions. One of the important factors. Research purposes: Based on the SOR model, this article stimulates the organism (consumers) from the quality of online reviews. Consumers' perceived value and perceived risk arouse consumers' desires, so that consumers can respond effectively to form purchase decisions and consumers' cognitive needs It is a moderating variable that studies the influence mechanism of consumer decision-making. Research method: using literature survey method and questionnaire survey method. Literature survey method: by inquiring domestic online reviews, consumer behaviors, travel platforms, etc., the literature research, sorting out relevant information content, in order to put forward the points of this research and the problems to be studied.
