  • 學位論文

生活型態與個人消費現代性對中藥材 消費者顧客滿意度與再購意願之影響 -以產品信任為干擾變項

The impact of customer satisfaction and repurchase intention by lifestyle and individual consuming modernity of consumers – the trust to products as a moderator

指導教授 : 洪英正 李芸蕙


臺灣中藥產業市場規模持續成長,傳統醫學發展引領全球潮流,消費者使用中藥材蔚為風潮,消費者生活型態具有之特徵顯示出不同群體表現於動態之生活模式(Lazer,1963)與個人消費現代性心理因素(楊國樞,2007)亦不相同,消費者預期與實際使用產品或服務後,直接評估的整體感覺反應出顧客滿意度(Fornell,1992),當感覺滿意且高於期望時,會產生再購意願,重複購買或推薦他人(Kotler,1999),而信任則為交易關係長期之干擾變數(Garbarino & Johnson,1999)。 本研究以中藥材消費者為研究對象,主要目的在探討生活型態與個人消費現代性對中藥材消費者顧客滿意度與再購意願之影響,並探討產品信任之干擾程度。 本研究採便利抽樣,總計回收338份問卷,實際有效問卷為317份,有效問卷回收率為93.78%,透過敘述統計分析、T檢定、變異數分析、信度分析、因素分析、迴歸分析及集群分析,以驗證生活型態與個人消費現代性對中藥材消費者之顧客滿意度與再購意願間之影響,且中藥材產品是否具有干擾作用等相關假設。本研究結果顯示: 1.生活型態對中藥材消費者之顧客滿意度有部份顯著影響。 2.生活型態對中藥材消費者之再購意願有部份顯著影響。 3.個人消費現代性對中藥材消費者之顧客滿意度無顯著影響。 4.個人消費現代性對中藥材消費者之再購意願無顯著影響。 5.產品信任在中藥材消費者生活型態對顧客滿意度之影響中無顯著干擾作用。 6.產品信任在中藥材消費者生活型態對再購意願之影響中無顯著干擾作用。 7.產品信任在中藥材消費者個人消費現代性對顧客滿意度之影響中無顯著干擾 作用。 8.產品信任在中藥材消費者個人消費現代性對再購意願之影響中無顯著干擾 作用。 9.不同人口統計變項之中藥材消費者在生活型態、個人消費現代性、 顧客滿意度、再購意願及產品信任上有部份顯著差異。 本研究結果發現,中藥材消費者之生活型態愈積極的消費者,對顧客滿意度與再購意願愈具正向影響,且其生活型態愈屬家庭與理性導向族群。個人消費現代性不影響中藥材消費者之顧客滿意度與再購意願,個人與社會現代化,不是阻礙的力量,而是更趨使消費者瞭解傳統中藥材,以現代新思維看待市場成長動能。 整體而言,「瞭解消費者生活型態模式以掌握中藥材市場脈動,具個人消費現代性無礙於接受傳統中藥材,提昇中藥材信任以增進顧客滿意度與再購意願之價值」。中藥材產業得以全方位發展,消費者與提供者間創造雙贏局面。 關鍵字:生活型態;個人消費現代性;顧客滿意度;再購意願;產品信任


The scale of the Chinese herbal medicine market industry in Taiwan continues to grow, leading the global development of traditional herbal medicine. The use of Chinese herbal medicine is a growing trend among consumers, the characteristics of the consumer's lifestyle has demonstrated an active mode of life in different groups of population (Lazer, 1963), and the difference of individual consumption modernity psychological factors (Young, Kuo-Sue, 2007). Consumer expectations and the actual use of the product or service, directly assess the overall feeling reflects customer satisfaction. (Fornell, 1992). When the feeling of satisfaction is higher than expected, it will generate repeat purchase intention, repeat purchase or recommendation to others (Kotler,1999), and the trust of product as a long-term moderator in the trading relationships (Garbarino & Johnson, 1999). Using Chinese herbal medicine consumers in this study, the main objective of this research is to investigate the impact of customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions by the lifestyle and individual consuming modernity of Chinese herbal medicine consumers, and further investigate the degree of interference by the trust of products. This research employed convenience sampling to collect data. A total of 338 questionnaires were returned. Only 317 valid questionnaires were analyzed in this research. The response ratio of valid questionnaires was 93.78%. Using descriptive statistical analysis, T-verification, variance analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, return analysis and clusters analysis in order to verify the related hypothesis. The findings were as follows: 1. Some significant impact happened by lifestyle on customer satisfaction in Chinese herbal medicine consumers. 2. Some significant impact happened by lifestyle on repurchaseimpact by lifestyle on repurchases intentions in Chinese herbal medicine consumers. 3. No significant impact by individual consuming modernity on customer satisfaction in Chinese herbal medicine consumers. 4. No significant impacts by individual consuming modernity on repurchase intentions in Chinese herbal medicine consumers. 5. No significant impact by trust of products on customer satisfaction in lifestyle of Chinese herbal medicine consumers. 6. No significant impact on repurchase intentions in lifestyle of Chinese herbal medicine consumers by trust of products 7. No significant impact on customer satisfaction in individual consuming modernity of Chinese herbal medicine consumers by trust of products 8. No significant impact on repurchase intentions in individual consuming modernity of Chinese herbal medicine consumers by trust of products 9. Some significant differences happened in lifestyle, individual consuming modernity, customer satisfaction, repurchase intentions and trust of products by different demographic variables. In addition, we find that more active lifestyle of Chinese herbal medicine consumers have positive influence in customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions. Furthermore, their lifestyle is more family oriented and they are more rational then the overall population. Individual consuming modernity does not affect customer satisfaction, and repurchase intentions. Personal and social modernization does not hinder, but rather prompted consumers to understand traditional Chinese medicine with modern thinking to market growth momentum. In sum, the understanding of consumer lifestyle patterns to capture the market of Chinese herbal medicines pulsating, with individual consumption modernity does not preclude acceptance of traditional Chinese herbal medicines, enhancing trust to improve customer satisfaction and repurchase intention value, in order for the Chinese herbal medicines industry to develop all-round to create a win-win situation between consumers and providers.


