  • 期刊


A Study on the Type of 「Non-Property Payment Litigation」 under the Administrative Law




Since the implementation of the Administrative Procedure Law of the event is only confined to administrative sanctions may only withdraw the complaint filed, scholars have "non-administrative sanctions, that no administrative remedy, "said. However, since the Republic of eighty-nine years and adopted two new laws to change the system of second instance, the provisions of the original addition of 34 required for the 308, and increase the scope of relief, increase the type of proceedings, the revocation proceedings only from the original, updating confirmed class Obligations and a general payment to the litigation. But the referee practice, many cases of administrative litigation, non-executive administrative sanctions related events, the judge offenders are usually identified as administrative sanctions, should follow the pre-petition doctrine, or prepare derivative litigation that is not be dismissed. Administrative proceedings resulting in the people back and forth between the executive and the courts, and can not effectively get relief. However, there must have the right to administrative proceedings based relief, there is an expansion of rights of the people should be necessary. But the "administrative action"concept, to determine Quefei easy, even for many years engaged in the practice of judicial officers, offenders are usually disputed the existence, let alone the people have no professional legal background is troubled by inexplicable. This article is to discuss, from the theory and practice of administrative law point of view, obviously distinguish, the concept of administrative sanction and payment of litigation to clarify concepts, and solve complex professional choice of court and proceedings for the payment of part of the current difficult to implement the Department, to make recommendations And views.
