  • 期刊


The Proposed Principles and Thoughts for Taiwan in Responding to the Regional Economic Integration of Southeast Asian Nations


在區域經濟整合風潮下,東南亞地區正緊密進行經貿整合,除在東協自由貿易區內部自由化加速進行外,同時亦以多重管道方式與鄰近國家締結自由貿易協定(Free Trading Arrangement,簡稱FTA),就東亞區域經濟整合之發展現況來看,「東協自由貿易區」與「東協加一」已經達成協議,其餘之「東協加三」、「日本-東協」、「韓國-東協」、「東亞自由貿易區」及「東協加六」等雖均屬倡議階段,惟其未來發展值得我們繼續進一步觀察。然此對同屬東亞區域卻未能參與任何「東協加一」或「東協加三」安排的臺灣而言,勢必有其不可忽視的影響與意涵。當「東協加一」與「東協加三」對臺灣的威脅與日俱增時,現在又面臨「東亞自由貿易區」、「東協加六」的趨勢,臺灣經濟邊緣化的危機,實在不能忽視,因此,臺灣面對此「東亞區域經濟整合」之勢,應有自己的策略思維,以為因應,方不至於成為「東亞地區的邊緣人」!


As the trend of regional economic intergration is in progress, the nations in Southeast Asia had acted effectively in economic and trade integration. In addition to the liberal free trade policy of the Asian Free Trade Area (AFTA), the association of Southeast Asian Nations had also executed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with neighboring nations. In fact, Asian Free Trade Area had already reached an agreement with "ASEAN plus one". The "ASEAN plus three", "Japan-ASEAN", "Korea-ASEAN", AFTA and "ASEAN plus six" are in the initial negotiation period. We shall pay special attention to its developments. However, the above developments shall post some effects on Taiwan, which cannot participate in "ASEAN plus one" nor in "ASEAN plus three". As the "ASEAN plus one" and "ASEAN plus three" have post some harmful effect on Taiwan from time to time, Taiwan has also faced the adverse effects from AFTA and "ASEAN plus six". Therefore, Taiwan should have its own principles and thoughts in responding to Regional Economic Integration of Southeast Asian Nations to avoid being kept out of the Southeast Asian Nation's economy.


ASEAN ASEAN plus one ASEAN plus three ASEAN plus six AFTA FTA
