  • 期刊


Catholic Foundation and Principles of Inter-religious Dialogue: Beginning with Rahner's "Anonymous Christians" and Balthasar's Dialogical Theology (part II)


本文為公教與其他信仰團體對話之基礎與原則的第二部分,以期在上一部分梳理卡爾.拉內(Karl Rahner)的「匿名基督徒」理論與漢斯.烏爾斯.馮.巴爾塔薩(Hans Urs von Balthasar)的對話神學的基礎上,並在他們觀點的交鋒中,進一步在實踐神學的領域,深入剖析公教與其他信仰團體對話的原則及基礎。為此,筆者首先會深入歐洲教會內部,在其存亡危難中尋找線索,通過對多元語境下滋生的宗教神學(Theologie der Religion)之解讀,認識其信仰意識的現狀,並在對話中給予批判性的回應;筆者也會在信仰實踐的層次凸顯歐洲教會不以宣講福音為主,只是「慈善」地與世界對話的態度。他山之石,可以攻玉,文章最後一部分會進入中國教會的生存處境,藉前文中所點亮的燈,照亮中國教會的對話之路,在此光照下,筆者亦願意提出一些具體的建議。


This article is the second part of a series on the foundations and principles of dialogue between the Catholic Church and other faith communities. It aims to build on the previous part's study of Karl Rahner's anonymous Christians and Balthasar's theology of dialogue, and to further the principles and foundations of dialogue between the Catholic Church and other faith communities in the field of practical theology. This article first examines the European Church in the midst of its perilous existence. Through the growing interpretation of the theology of religion in a pluralistic context, this article seeks to understand the faith consciousness of the European Church in its current state. This is followed by a critical response. Also, this article introduces a "charity-centered, evangelization-absent" model of dialogue in the European Church. The last part of the article considers the survival situation of the Chinese Church and illuminates the path of dialogue in the Chinese Church through the insight provided in the previous article.
