  • 會議論文


The Idea of Peace and Practice of the Master Hsing Yun's Humanistic Buddhism




The life of the master Hsing Yun is committed to the promotion of humanistic Buddhism. His idea forms a unique concept of peace in the world of Buddhism and is used to guide practice in order to contribute to the safeguard of regional and world peace. The concept of peace of the master Hsing Yun is in the following aspects: first, is that "benevolence" is the fundamental law of Buddha, if everyone can treat all beings with compassion, so the world will be peace. second, is to promote the active concept and the method according to the fact; third, is actively promote the concept of pure land on earth. In its practice, the master Hsing Yun actively promotes the concept of peace of humanistic Buddhism. First of all the humanistic Buddhism of the master, Hsing Yun, advocated the spirit of being out of the world in order to serve the society. Secondly the master Hsing Yun, has always looked at the world with compassion, being concerned about regional disputes, ethnic conflicts, international conflicts of interest, cross-strait peace, and sensitive issues in today's society, sensitive issues such as environmental protection, disease, network, cloning, euthanasia, organ donation and so on. The Buddhist concept of peace was the starting point of the master Hsing Yun, as propagates compassion, equality and tolerance, looking forward to the conflict mitigation and the contradiction between relaxation and harmony of all living beings. Last, the master Hsing Yun improvisioning insist on that the base of improving the value of modern people and adjusting the psychological desire is education, which is one of the important contents of the contemporary humanistic Buddhism for the society.


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