  • 會議論文

The Story of Phra Malai and its Application to Pure Land Buddhism



Within the scope of the Southern Buddhism based on the Pali Buddhist Canon, it is not easy to find the lay Buddhist devotional practices aiming directly at achieving nirvāna, the goal of all Buddhists. It is mainly because of the characteristics of the Pali Buddhist canon which was composed and has been preserved by Buddhist monks and nuns for the sake of their own liberation. The whole tipitaka shows the way one can effectively leaving one's society behind and gradually cutting off all one's attachment and defilement to achieve arahant-ship. Thus Buddhist laity have always seen in the early canon as supporters for sangha, Buddhist community consisting mainly of monks and nuns. Where then can we see Lay Buddhist devotional practices in the Early Buddhism? I think, Buddhist narratives could be the key sources to see Lay activities within the scope of Early Buddhism. In the Jātakas and the Avadānas, we can see the future Buddha as animals, such as a monkey, human beings, such as a king, and gods, such as Indra in the heavenly world. In these kinds of stories, the future Buddha tried very hard to accumulate merits through morally good and excellent actions. Even nowadays in the Buddhist world of the Southeast Asia, merit making seems to be one of the major Buddhist devotional practices and to be appeared among the wide variety of Buddhist narratives. In this paper, I am going to look at lay Buddhist devotional practice seen in the story of Phra Malai, one of the most well-known narratives developed around Southeast Asia, to show a kind of short cut to achieve nirvāna through reborn at the time of Maitreya, the Future Buddha.




帕拉瑪萊 淨土佛教 本生故事 聖行故事


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