  • 期刊


The Development and Reflection of the Quality Assurance Policy for Teacher Preparation in Taiwan Based on the New Managerialism




The "Teacher Preparation Act" in 1994 leading Taiwan's teacher preparation toward the diversified model and market competition, the study analyzed and reflected on Taiwan's teacher preparation quality assurance policies and mechanisms based on the new managerialism that has greatly influenced education and teacher preparation policies since the 1980s. According to the new managerialism, which emphasis on quality service, efficiency, standards, and accountability, Taiwan has developed a quality assurance policy for teacher preparation in line with an international development. After 2017, various mechanisms had been developed and improved as a system of quality assurance, including teacher professional standards, teacher qualification examinations, educational practicum, and teacher education evaluation, etc. Through a comparison with the new managerialism and related research results, the findings were that the development of quality assurance policies for teacher preparation in Taiwan was deeply influenced by the social and political context, and the quality assurance mechanism also faces doubts that it could truly ensure the quality of teachers. Although it took a long-term effect in line with the governance of new managerialism, but universities with teacher preparation internalized governance norm and inertia revealed should be noticed, as well as the factors that influence decision-making within the government, deserve to be clarified.
