  • 期刊


Discussion on the Promotion of News Media Literacy and Evaluation to Prevent Fake News


受到Covid-19疫情影響,全球超過31個國家,5.1億的學生在2020年面臨學校停課並採取線上學習的方式,當全球都在普遍透過網路進行溝通之際,大量的新聞議題、不實訊息與假新聞更不斷透過無遠弗界的傳播力量衝擊國際社會,假新聞更是對防疫造成相當大的衝擊。臺灣被瑞典V-DEM研究調查是全球受到虛假訊息攻擊程度為世界第一,英國牛津大學路透新聞學研究所發布的2020數位新聞報告更顯示,臺灣人對新聞的信任度持續下滑,僅有24%的信任度,與臺灣人經常透過主流媒體和社交媒體接觸到錯誤訊息有關。假新聞以失真、刻意扭曲,議題的形式吸引民眾注意並影響認知,若人們在接收大量媒體資訊時,缺乏評判思考的技能,就可能造成傷害和影響,也可以說,假新聞虛正透過傳統與社群媒體衝擊人們的生活,對這種扭曲的依賴會增加人們產生負面影響的風險,我們若不能評估訊息的可信度,就無法找出幕後黑手以及動機原因。假新聞泛濫,在臺灣近來引起對「認知」話題的注意。學者波特於2004年提出的新聞識讀認知理論,有助於直接關注人們如何在日常生活中遇到大量的媒體信息,如何做出過濾決策,如何有效地將信息中的符號與已取得的意義聯繫起來, 以及他們如何為自己構建新的意義。本文將採文獻分析法,探討國內外假新聞、新聞識讀、媒體識讀相關定義與現況、並分析學者波特的媒體識讀認知理論觀點,提供臺灣教育界,作為媒體識讀教育推動之應用與調查的新觀點與新視野。


Affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, In more than 31 countries around the world, 510 million students will face school closures and adopt online learning methods in 2020. When the world is generally communicating through the Internet, a large number of news issues and false information Fake news continues to impact the international community through the spreading power of infinite bounds, and fake news has a considerable impact on epidemic prevention. According to the Swedish V-DEM research, Taiwan has the world's highest level of disinformation attacks in the world. The 2020 digital news report released by the Reuters Institute of Journalism at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom also shows that Taiwanese people's trust in news continues to decline, with only 24 % Trust is related to the fact that Taiwanese people often come into contact with misinformation through mainstream media and social media. Fake news is distorted and deliberately distorted in the form of issues that attract people's attention and affect perception. If people lack the skills to judge and think when receiving a large amount of media information, it may cause harm and influence. It can also be said that fake news is false through tradition. With social media impacting people's lives, reliance on this distortion will increase the risk of people having a negative impact. If we cannot assess the credibility of the message, we will not be able to find the behind-the-scenes and motivational reasons. The proliferation of fake news has recently attracted attention to the topic of "cognition" in Taiwan. The cognition theory of news literacy put forward by the scholar Porter in 2004 helps to directly pay attention to how people encounter a large amount of media information in daily life, how to make filtering decisions, and how to effectively combine the symbols in the information with the obtained information. The meanings are connected, and how they construct new meanings for themselves. This article will adopt the literature analysis method to explore the definition and current situation of fake news at home and abroad, media literacy, and analyze the scholar Porter's cognitive theory of news literacy. It will provide the education community in Taiwan as an application and investigation for the promotion of Media literacy education. New perspectives and new horizons.
