  • 期刊

我國學生在PISA 2018全球素養的認知表現及其教育意涵

The Investigation and Implications of the Performance of Taiwanese Students in PISA 2018 Global Competence Assessment


二十一世紀的學生生活在一個相互聯繫、多元化且快速變化的世界,經濟、社會、文化、數位資訊、人口、環境、甚至公共衛生都正在塑造年輕人的生活,多元而複雜的環境帶來了機會和挑戰,全球素養的培育儼然是重要的教育議題。本文以新加坡、香港、韓國三個亞洲國家以及全球27個國家的平均表現為對照下,針對臺灣學生在PISA 2018全球素養的認知表現以及相關指標分數進行關聯探討。研究結果顯示,臺灣在參與PISA 2018的27個國家中排名第五,顯示臺灣學生的平均表現相當優秀,但進一步檢視各表現水準,則有四分之一學生的全球素養仍待強化。檢視九項全球素養有關的指標與全球素養認知表現的關聯,結果顯示「對不同文化人群的尊重」指標與全球素養認知表現的關聯最強,「全球議題的參與」指標與全球素養認知表現的關聯最弱,建議後續思考全球素養教育提升的可能方案時,可考慮納入這些重要的關聯變項。


PISA 全球素養 臺灣學生


In the 21st century, students live in an interconnected, diverse, and fast-changing world. The economy, society, culture, digital information, people, the environment, and public health shape our lives. Given the opportunities and challenges, cultivating global competence seems to be an important educational issue. This article analyzes the performance of Taiwanese students in PISA 2018 global competence assessment, compared with the average performance of three Asian countries, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and 27 countries worldwide. Research results show that Taiwan ranks fifth out of 27 countries participating in PISA 2018, indicating that the average performance of Taiwanese students is pretty good. But further examination of each proficiency level shows that one-quarter of students still need to strengthen their global competence. Furthermore, the associations between nine global competence-related indicators and performance show that the student's respect for people from other cultures has the most substantial relationship, and the student's agency regarding global issues has the weakest relationship with global competence. Regarding these findings, educational practitioners should consider the realities and relative aspects to improve students' global competence.


PISA global competence Taiwanese students
