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A Remote Sensing-based Soil Moisture Condition by an Evaporative Fraction Approach



Soil moisture is a critical factor influencing hydrologic cycle and evapotranspiration. Antecedent soil moisture is also an important index for the early warning of slope disaster. However, the availability of observed data is limited due to few monitoring stations for soil moisture in Taiwan. In view of the situation, estimating soil moisture through remote sensing data may be a practical way to obtain a wide range of soil moisture information. In this study, remote sensing data from MODIS was collected, and the Surface Energy Balance Alogrithm for Land (SEBAL) was applied for evaporative fraction calculation. The results are compared with the soil moisture observations from seven debris flow monitoring stations, which are established by the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau of Taiwan. The evaporative fraction is shown to positively correlate with soil moisture to some extent for the seven monitoring stations.


土壤含水量為一在氣象、水文及農業上的重要參數之一,影響了地表水循環、植物蒸發散情形等機制的運作,且降雨臨前土壤含水量於坡地災害的預警上為一重要參考指標。然而土壤含水量的量測常受限於觀測儀器的空間侷限性,若能利用衛星遙測技術所取得的影像資訊,來推估取得土壤含水量,將可取得大範圍面積之土壤含水量資訊,進而對自然環境能有更完善的了解與掌握。本研究應用美國太空總署的開放衛星資料(MODIS)透過蒸發散比率的計算來進行土壤含水量的推估。蒸發散比率為實際蒸發散量與潛勢蒸發散的比值,可藉由地表能量平衡方程式的關係來求得,演算法部分使用地表能量平衡演算法-SEBAL(Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land),並結合地表溫度與植生指標所建立之二維空間關係來進行SEBAL演算法的極端值選取,以此進行蒸發散比率之演算,進而推估土壤含水量情形。研究成果與水土保持局土石流觀測站的土壤含水量觀測值做比較。結果顯示衛星遙測推估之蒸發散比率能表現出土壤含水量的變化趨勢,兩者之間存在一定正相關。
