

新冠肺炎(Coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19)衝擊全世界,亦帶給台灣多面向影響。COVID-19疫情對醫療機構之影響面除機構群聚感染風險及醫療人力吃緊外,進而嚴重衝擊績效面,包括門診、急診及住院量下降,高者可達財務損失25%。面對可能再度爆發普遍感染之疫情,維護民眾健康之醫療機構迫切需要完備風險管理思維,進行疾病預防、資源配置、品質維繫等區塊之前瞻佈局,以永續維繫大眾健康福祉。有鑑於此,台灣醫務管理學會動員12位醫務管理產業及學術界之專家們,以腦力激盪及半結構式專家座談方式,多角度及多次凝聚共識,建立此醫療服務新常態預想圖,期待拋磚引玉,貢獻於醫療機構之永續經營。面對疫情再次爆發,醫療機構宜以預防化(擔任防疫重鎮、感染特性分析、強化民眾教育、推動健康管理)、彈性化(科別交叉配置)、智慧化(提升遠距醫療、醫療產業升級)、分級化(配合分級醫療)及常態化(預算編列常態),部署醫療新型態服務,以確保永續經營。醫療服務新常態預想圖共包含九項實務未來規劃。


The global outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) has impacted Taiwan in various aspects. In addition to hospital cluster infection and medical personnel shortage, COVID-19 further deteriorated the performance of health care organizations substantially, including declined numbers of outpatient, emergency, and inpatient visits, with the highest financial loss of 25%. To tackle the recurrent outbreak of highly infectious pandemic, health care organizations that safeguard public health are urgently required to proactively conduct risk managements in disease prevention, resource allocation, and quality maintenance, for the continuity of health welfare. In view of the aforementioned concerns, 12 professionals in medical care practices and academic fields from the Taiwan College of Healthcare Executives teamed up to develop a new normality map for medical services based on the consensus through multi-dimensioned multi-round brainstorming and semi-structured seminars, in the attempt to inspire the medical industry for business continuity. Under the challenge of pandemic recurrence, health care organizations should adopt the strategies of prevention, mobilization, intelligence, classification, and standardization to deploy the new paradigm of medical services for the assurance of business continuity. The medical services paradigm comprises 9 practical planning that envisions the future.
