  • 期刊


An Examination of Gong An Bu公案簿, A Historical Source of Overseas Chinese Kong Koan in Batavia, Dutch East Indies




Through transnational cooperation by scholars and academic institutes among Taiwan, Mainland China, the Netherlands, France, Japan as well as Indonesia for more than ten years revealed the secrets of the archives of Overseas Chinese Kong Koan in Batavia, Dutch East Indies, which cover more than 1,000 manuscripts written in Hakka dialects, partly in Dutch language and Bahasa Melayu describing Chinese communities in Indonesia for over two hundred years since eighteenth century. Among these valuable sources, Gong An Bu of the Batavian Kong Koan is one of the important sources of Chinese communities the eighteenth to twentieth centuries in nowadays Jakarta, Indonesia, which describes semi-autonomous institutions dealing with civic dispute resolutions and, of course, it constitutes one of the most important sources in the study of Chinese communities in the Dutch East Indies. The author tries to briefly introduce the current collections of archives of Overseas Chinese Kong Koan in Batavia, which is followed by analyzing the contents of the newly published series of Gong An Bu. Besides, the author assesses the previous studies based upon Gong An Bu and also provides most recently bibliographical information in order to facilitate and promote further research on this subject.
