  • 期刊


A Note on some Sources of the Hsi Yu Chi


This paper is a survey of the relationship between the Life of Master Tripitaka of the Great Monastery of Mercy and Grace (Ta Tz'u-En Szu San-Ts'ang Fa-Shih Ch'uan), a biography of the pilgrim Hsüan-tsang, and the hundred-chapter Hsi Yu Chi, a fictionalized account of the monk's pilgrimage. The writer of this paper feels that a number of episodes in the latter can be traced to the former. They are: 1. How the local demons ensnarls the pilgrim for his flesh; 2. How the female demons try to corrupt his virtue; 3. How he faces bandits at four different times; 4. How the dragon-turned horse comes into his service; 5. How he becomes pregnant after drinking from the Mother-son River; 6. How he passes through the Nation of Women; 7. How some of the sutras are lost in the river; 8, How his attendant, the monkey Sun Wu-k'ung, fights Hu-li Ta-hsien, the Taoist immortal Tiger Might, in a match of decapitation; 9. How the bodhisattva Kuan-yin (Avalokitesvara) rescues him; and 10. How Master Crow's Nest, Wu-ch'ao Ch'an-shih, teaches him a sutra.


