  • 會議論文


The Meta-Cinematic Techniques of Filming Shakespearean Soliloquies: The Case of Hamlet by Michael Almeredya


著名「後設戲劇」學者萊諾.艾堡(Lionel Abel)曾指出:「莎士比亞是西方戲劇史上唯一能夠完全對劇場幻覺與虛構性了然於心的劇作家,故莎士比亞的劇作多充滿後設意味」。由於莎劇飽含後設戲劇特徵,順此原理,當莎劇搬上大螢幕,二十世紀末的「反好萊塢」式的前衛莎片電影導演紛紛嚐試依循自己的影像美學,尋找不同的策略改寫莎劇,創造出全新的後設莎片類型風格。而在這波世紀末實驗電影的熱潮中,美國新銳導演邁可.阿米雅達(Michael Almereyda)2000年所出品的《哈姆雷特》片可說是其中最富「後設」風格的作品之一。本文的目的有二:(一)分析麥克.阿米雅達是如何在《哈姆雷特》莎片中巧妙地融入後設電影手法,企圖對好萊塢式的傳統電影敘事方式加以顛覆,展現對電影書寫和製作過程的自覺和反省,也對莎翁原著真理的相對性及多樣性提出另類的辯證視角;(二)解析導演如何運用其他藝術形式,如攝影機觀景窗、電視畫面、動畫、遊戲螢幕等等,造就多元藝術形式交相指涉的後設趣味。


Lionel Abel, a renowned scholar of metatheatre, once claimed: "Of all the European dramatists, Shakespeare was the only one possessed by a complete confidence in the power of imagination, not simply in its power to make speech splendid. . . but in its power to . . . put the whole world on stage". Following the line, the end-of-twentieth-century "anti-Hollywood", avant-garde Shakespearean movie directors have been looking for different strategies to adapt Shakespeare's plays for the big screen based on their own aesthetics of film, and created brand new categorical styles of meta-Shakespearean films. In this end-of-century tide of experimental cinema, the 2000's Hamlet directed by the American Michael Almereyda is the most illustrative among the meta-Shakespearean films. This research will focus on two subjects: first, to analyze how Michael Almereyda skillfully maneuvers his meta-cinematic approaches in rendering the soliloquies in Hamlet to attempt a rebellion against the conventional cinematic narrative methods in Hollywood, demonstrate his awareness and reflection upon the process of cinematic playwriting and production, and also provide an alternative dialectic perspective of the relativity and diversity of truth in the original Shakespeare; second, to analyze how the director exercises other artistic forms, such as camera lens, TV shots, animation, and game screens in performing important soliloquies in this movie, to create the inter-referencing meta-effects among multiple artistic styles.
