  • 會議論文


A Case Study on Visual Packaging Design of "Suiyuan Grape"


彰化縣大村鄉位於臺灣中部鄉鎮之一,地方純樸,隨處可見葡萄園,巨峰葡萄是當地著名的產品之一,巨峰葡萄是當地著名產品之一,在1964年大村鄉農民引進後,大量農民投入栽種。根據2017年行政院農糧署的農情報告中顯示,大村鄉種植巨峰葡萄的耕地面積為417.57公頃,而每公斤的收量為31,608公斤,產量豐碩,因此大村鄉也被稱為「葡萄的故鄉」。本研究以彰化縣大村鄉園主吳廣隨從2001年建立的品牌「隨園葡萄」為研究目標,探討此個案是如何用自產自銷農產品之視覺包裝意象來提升品牌文化價值,並藉此如何與消費者溝通。本文使用紙本問卷調查,總受測人數共取得27位,由具設計相關背景者填寫,以SPSS統計分析軟體來演算數據分析探討「隨園葡萄」的包裝視覺是否有符合澳洲經濟學家David Throsby的文化經濟學(2003)一書中提到的美學、精神、社會、歷史、象徵和真實等六項文化價值。


In Dacun Township, Changhua County, the Central Area of Taiwan, there live pure and simple people, and graperies can be seen everywhere. Kyoho grapes are one of the famous local products. After introduction by villagers in Dacun Township in 1964, Kyoho grapes were widely planted by many farmers. According to the agricultural report of the Agriculture and Food Agency (AOA) in 2017, cultivated area of Kyoho grapes in Dacun Township reached 417.57 hectares, while the yield per hectare reached 31,608 kilograms, bringing a great yield. Therefore, Dacun Township is also known as "Hometown of Grapes".This study, based on a case study on the brand of "Suiyuan Grape" built by Kuang-Sui Wu, the owner of a grapery in Dacun Township, Changhua County from 2001, discussed how he improved the cultural value of the brand through visual packaging image of agricultural products produced and marketed by himself, and how he communicated with consumers thereby. The paper questionnaire was applied to the research, there are 27 respondents which had design background filled out the survey. The SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) statistical analysis software was used to count, analyze, and discuss the data. It was also discussed whether the six cultural values, namely aesthetics, spirit, society, history, symbol and truth, set out in Economics and Culture, 2003, a book wrote by Australian economist David Throsby, have been satisfied by the visual packaging of "Suiyuan Grape" through questionnaire survey.
