  • 會議論文


"Listening" Argentine Tango: A Preliminary Study on Piazzolla's Aesthetics


阿根廷探戈(Argentina Tango)發源於十九世紀後期阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)的社會底層,相對於阿根廷的民俗音樂舞蹈,更偏向是一種都市化發展過程中的衍生物。阿根廷探戈音樂節奏明確,旋律簡單重複,原本多為酒館裡伴舞助興的伴奏音樂,發展期間雖有許多藝術家們不斷豐富著阿根廷探戈的形式,然兼具作曲家與演奏家身分的皮亞佐拉(Astor Pantaleón Piazzolla,1921-1992),以其深厚的古典音樂涵養與獨特的演奏技法,讓阿根廷探戈蛻變為廣受矚目並可獨立欣賞的器樂作品,席捲歐美與世界至今未墜。世人經由皮亞佐拉的音樂,以不同角度認知阿根廷探戈藝術,當音樂回歸本質,節奏、旋律、和聲而自成豐富律動的同時,阿根廷探戈自此不僅被視為是一種舞蹈型態,而能以純粹的「聆聽」態度來鑑賞阿根廷探戈,並隨著音樂能量的日益豐富,驅動原有的阿根廷探戈舞蹈產生質變,有了新技法與視野。基於以上,本文以皮亞佐拉為研究對象,聚焦於阿根廷探戈音樂與舞蹈兩造間聽覺與視覺美學的互動,探索阿根廷探戈的背景與皮亞佐拉的美學,旁觀原本建構在舞蹈之上的傳統阿根廷探戈音樂,如何微妙的回歸音樂本質裡蘊釀發酵,跨越世紀成一家之言,並持續不斷在各個領域中增值與擴散。


Argentine Tango was originated during the late nineteenth century in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Generated at the bottom of the society, and opposed to Argentine folk music and dance, it is a derivative of the process of urbanization. Argentine Tango is kind of accompaniment music for dancing, the rhythm was clear, simple melodic repetition. Both composers and performers identity, Astor Pantaleón Piazzolla(1921-1992) with its deeply classical music background, unique performance techniques, so that the original dark crooning in the streets of the Argentine Tango Bistro, an independent appreciation of instrumental works that swept Europe and the world has not yet to fall , people know the art of dance Argentine Tango music by Piazzolla, when the music back to basics, rhythm, melody, harmony, rhythm since a while , in pure "listening" attitude to appreciate the Argentine Tango. Following the blooming development of music, the Argentine Tango is no longer just a type of dance, its essential qualities are transformed into a more creative and cross-filed vision. Through an interdisciplinary study on Pizaaolla's work, this paper aims to re-think the interaction between music and dance, where the aural aesthetics and visual aesthetics meet, By analyzing the background of Argentine Tango music and Piazzolla's aesthetics, this paper explores how the subtle essence of the Argentine Tango music returns to its original fermentation and, throughout the centuries, continuously develope and spread into various fields.
