  • 學位論文


A Study on the Branding and Positioning Strategy of Chain Store Business

指導教授 : 李吉仁


連鎖商店是當代的商業活動中最主要的零售通路,舉凡餐飲、百貨公司、量販店、便利商店、書店、藥局、以及目前最流行的咖啡店等,若要擴大規模,大多以連鎖的方式經營。然而,連鎖商店的類型與樣貌日新月異,品牌與定位選擇日漸多樣化,亟需有一個系統性的探討,以瞭解不同展店策略在不同產業的適用性。 因此,本研究運用商店品牌與商店定位及其單一與多元的特性,提出四種不同的連鎖企業類型,分別為專注策略、延伸策略、繁衍策略與差異策略,並分別提出具體個案說明;接著,本研究以價值網為基礎、以定性分析策略效益,並考慮行業別的關鍵成功因素,推導出不同行業別對不同類型的策略效益。據此,本研究提供一個嶄新的分析架構去評估連鎖企業的商店品牌定位策略,希望能夠補足國內有關連鎖企業策略的研究缺口。 本研究發現:在連鎖企業的四種策略中,專注策略在供給面的評估項目有最佳的效益,因此可稱專注策略為供給面導向的策略;差異策略在需求面的評估項目有最佳的效益,因此可將差異策略稱為需求面導向的策略;專注策略是過去連鎖企業發展連鎖店的傳統策略,但隨著經濟的發展,需求面的元素考量便顯得越來越重要;連鎖咖啡業的關鍵成功因素在需求面與供給面的元素均重視,因此專注策略應為較具效益的策略選擇;連鎖餐飲業的關鍵成功因素與需求面的「價值主張」高度關聯,因此採用需求面導向的差異策略應是較有效益的策略選擇,連鎖百貨業的關鍵成功因素與需求面的「價值主張」高度關聯,因此採用需求面導向的差異策略應是較有效益的策略選擇。


Chain store business serves as a major retailing channel in the contemporary business society, such as department stores, discount stores, CVS, bookstores, drug stores, and, the most popular, coffee shops. In the context of chain store, the industry landscape has been evolutionary changed and store variety is increasingly complex. Yet, there is not much systematic research exploring this interesting issue. Taking store brand and positioning as two critical dimensions, the present research identifies four chain store development strategies; they are focused strategy, leveraging strategy, proliferation strategy, and differentiation strategy. Based on these four types of strategy, we postulate cases to elaborate their distinctiveness. Next, we apply a value net framework to evaluate their relative costs and benefits. We then take key successful factors of various chain store businesses into the evaluation and come up with a contingency chain store strategy. Overall, the present research provide a concrete evaluation framework for strategy development for chain store businesses with a hope of contributing to the extant literature gap. According to our research, we found that focused strategy is the most effective approach to capture supply-side benefits and therefore it can be regarded as supply-oriented strategy. On the contrary, differentiation strategy is the most effective approach to capture demand-side benefits and therefore it can be regarded as demand-oriented strategy. In addition, focus strategy is a traditional chain store strategy, however, the demand-side considerations are getting critical. Based on our evaluation, we found that focused strategy is still a preferred strategy for coffee chain store business, while differentiation strategy would be a preferred strategy for restaurant chain store business. Suggestions and implications based on these findings are also discussed.


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