  • 學位論文


Design and Evaluation of Business Model for Primary Care Clinic Chains in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉順仁


為了提升經營效率、降低成本,近年來,基層醫療產業開始引進連鎖商店的經營模式,其中又以眼科、牙科、醫學美容科診所因具備高資本投入、選擇性醫療服務市場商機較大、及周邊互補產業連結較廣泛等條件,而最具連鎖經營的綜效,惟基層內兒科診所近年來因以下因素,也漸具以連鎖經營模式增加競爭優勢之契機:(一)網路普及、民眾健康知識提升,掀起醫療服務神秘面紗,民眾能主動有效參與診療過程,有利醫療流程標準化。(二)內兒科診療服務相對較標準化,不易因醫師個人風格而有過度的差異化。(三)相對於次專科或特殊科,一般科醫師如:家庭醫學科、一般內科、一般兒科等,醫師人力資源較不虞匱乏。 過去,對牙科、眼科或醫學美容科診所連鎖經營的研究偶有所見,但對基層內兒科診所連鎖經營的文章及研究則相對稀少,台灣人口老化日趨嚴重及二代健保實施在即,如何提升散佈在全國各社區的內兒科診所之經營效率,以造福全國民眾,應具商業管理學落實在醫療產業之時代意義。 本研究擬針對基層醫療診所連鎖化經營之模式進行研究,嘗試以「經營模式圖塊」(Business Model Canvas)為分析架構,分析及評估國內某基層醫療診所連鎖體系,並探討不具高資本支出及自費市場空間較小之基層內兒科診所,如何透過連鎖經營的營運模式,提升競爭力,希望可透過本研究分析,提出基層醫療產業應用連鎖化模式在經營上的建議及未來展望,並作為將來相關研究的參考。


In order to increase efficiency and bring down cost, the primary care industry has begun to adopt the business model of chain stores in recent years. The trend is especially evident in eye clinics, dental clinics, and aesthetic clinics due to the need of large capital, the emergence of more opportunities in the market of optional medical services, and the development of extensive linkage with peripheral complementary industries. However, the change to the model of chain stores in general practitioner clinics has also occurred gradually due to the following factor:(1).Patients can easily get medical information from Internet, which allows them to individually watch and monitor the medical process.(2).The medical process is more standardized in general practitioner clinics than in surgeon clinics.(3).The labor supply of general practitioners is more sufficient than that of sub-specialty doctors. In the past, academic researches about business model for primary care clinic chains have been rare.Since the average age of Taiwan’s population is getting older and the Second Generation National Health Insurance is going to be implemented, it would be meaningful to increase the operation efficiency of many community clinics widespread in Taiwan by chain store model. This paper is focused on the study of business model in primary care clinic chains.The Business Model Canvas will be used as an analytic framework. I will address how to improve competitiveness through the chain store model in the changing industry environment.


