  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying Six-Sigma DMAIC Method in Production Process Improvement

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


面對電腦產業由成長期步入成熟期階段,過去曾經風光一時的OEM/ODM電腦廠商,由於過度競爭的結果,迅速落入低毛利競爭的時代,而追求低成本及差異化優勢乃成為各家代工廠商迫切性的求生之道。透過產業價值鏈,其電腦零組件供應商在新產品發展的速度、價格、產品品質、交期、與服務所展現出來的競爭力,是與其合作是否有利可圖的重要基礎,也成為供應鏈模式下影響夥伴關係最重要的因素。 在筆記型電腦居於大腦與心臟核心地位的CPU、GPU電腦晶片供應商,因位居產業技術領導地位,是產業規格的製訂者,長久以來因為市場趨於寡佔,使得其客戶OEM/ODM電腦廠商無法在價格上獲得相對議價優勢,而必須著重在交期、品質及服務上與電腦晶片供應商密切的合作,以強化自身的產業競爭力。本研究即著眼於主要電腦晶片供應商之客戶服務中之退貨流程改善,以提高對OEM/ODM電腦廠商服務品質的效率,達到同時強化自身與客戶產業競爭力的目的。 本研究課題以客戶對個案公司的定期滿意度回覆作為服務績效評定的基礎,並應用六標準差作為流程改善的手法,來提升服務效率。研究結果驗證,六標準差不僅適用於傳統公司內部生產與製造流程的改善,也適用於外接客戶端的服務流程改善。本研究亦發現,電腦晶片供應商之退貨服務流程,竟也緊緊環扣於其ODM客戶生產流程之內,實屬電腦產業供應鏈之特有緊密合作夥伴關係,而非一般產業常見之單純客戶-供應商關係。


Migrating to industrial maturity stage, computer OEM/ODM companies are falling into an extremely high competative and single-digit profit environment. The only way to survive is to urgently derive out their own Low-cost Advantages and Differentiation Advantages strategy. Occuping a unique core position within a PC computer, the CPU/GPU suppliers enjoyed their market power to play as monopoly in computer industry. These key component suppliers are trying to value-add their customer, the OEM/ODM company, by improving their delivery, quality, and service process. This study is focusing on how a key component supplier using Six-Sigma method to improve it’s RMA(Return Material Authorization) service process to enage its partnership with OEM/ODM customer. The result confirmed that Six-Sigma method can not only optimize internal operation process, but also push the external process improvement at customer end. Our study also revealed that a supplier’s service process can hook upon it’s customer’s production flow and become part of it’s process. Such partnership existed more than just customer-supplier relationship.


Six-Sigma Triad Process Improvement Value Chain RMA


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