  • 學位論文


KOCI: A Knowledge-oriented CyberInfrastructure for Spatial Decision Support System

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


Cyberinfrastructure 利用資訊科技(譬如:雲端科技、網路服務等)試圖整合網際網路上大量且複雜的資料與知識,提供有效的知識查詢、資料搜索、科技應用之平台。在地理資訊科學領域中,近年來由於空間資料基礎架構的建立、地理資訊服務的發佈以及雲端服務的概念興起,對於如何整合大量的空間資料、空間知識以及空間科技的地理資訊cyberinfrastructure議題,也興起了許多研究課題。譬如:如何將知識標準化、如何透過知識來整合資料(除了資料格式轉換問題之外,更重要的是語意互通之問題)以及如何應用新的空間科技來改善傳統上的不足。因此,本研究針對地理資訊cyberinfrastructure目標,提出一個以知識為導向的架構(Knowledge-Oriented CyberInfrastructure, 簡稱KOCI),透過知識本體ontologies的建立與串接,整合大量的空間資料與知識,應用於空間決策支援系統之中,讓決策者、專家學者以及網路服務發佈者三方不同使用者,都能夠透過本架構加以整合運作。本架構包含(1)知識導向型的註冊平台,讓網路服務發佈者註冊其所發佈的地理資訊服務於知識本體之中,使得此服務能夠被更精準的查詢與自動化的使用;(2)知識庫與推理引擎,標準化專家學者的領域知識,讓知識能夠被機器瞭解且自動的推理出相關的知識;(3)網路平台,讓決策者能夠透過此平台,快速查詢空間決策問題之解答;(4)網路服務串接執行器,讓透過知識推理引擎所查詢出的地理資訊服務,能夠自動化的串接與執行,回答決策者的空間決策問題需求。透過本研究所提出之架構,不同使用者的需求、專業以及資料,能夠被知識化的解答、管理與應用,邁向以知識為導向的地理資訊cyberinfrastructure.


Cyberinfrastructure aims to cooperate information and communication technologies to deal with growing volume and heterogeneity of data, information, and knowledge. In GIScience, spatial data infrastructure, cloud computing, and Web services are some research issues that aim for geospatial information cyberinfrastructure. Although these research issues have paved a way for data interoperability in the cyberinfrastructure, how to cooperate with knowledge is still a challenge (e.g. knowledge sharing and reusing, and knowledge-oriented discovering needed data). Therefore, in this research, we provided a knowledge-oriented framework for cyberinfrastructure to integrate knowledge from domain experts, data from data providers, and technologies by using ontologies in the four parts of the framework: a Web portal, an ontologies engine, an ontology registry in SDI, and a service chain mediator. The Web portal is for users (e.g. decision makers) to submit their geospatial statements. By ontologies which manage geospatial knowledge, contributed by domain experts, in a standard, structural, and sharable format, the ontologies engine can understand the structural knowledge to infer solutions in response to the submitted statement, and to automatically discover needed GI services, including data and functions, in the SDI. The chain mediator then constructs a workflow to and consequently processing the GI services to generate a result for the statement. The proposed framework presents a new flexible architecture to integrate knowledge form domain experts, multiple GI services in SDI, and technologies from ontologies for the knowledge-oriented cyberinfrastructure.


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