  • 學位論文


The Kominka Movement in Taiwanese Villages:Social Education Organizations in Villages of Takao Prefecture

指導教授 : 吳密察


相較於過去研究重視由壓迫與反抗史觀出發,並由高度意識型態觀點出發探討「皇民化」及社會教化政策,並過重政策史及殖民地菁英的視角。本論文則論述1930年代以來的高雄州農村的官製社會教化團體創設經過、運作實況及非殖民地菁英的視角。透過官方文書資料與社會教化團體參與者陸季盈日記,從外部觀點及內部觀點分析此團體。 首先分析1930年代社會教化運動興起前存在於高雄州的部落組織,主要有民間的庄廟與官方的保甲及共同苗代組合。庄廟為部落傳統議事中心,官方1936年前僅採取設立登記及管理人許可制進行管理。保甲是依照自然村為基礎設立的治安組織,受警察派出所管理,「保」創設後成為後續高雄州官方設置官製部落組織的設立基本單位。1910年代中後期,高雄州以保為單位開始設立「共同苗代組合」促進部落農業發展。接著分析1936年前的高雄州社會教化情形,大致設立家長會及國語普及會(後改稱國語講習所),1931年以前,官方並不特別重視,隨著十年國語普及事業推行,1933年度後開始顯著設立相關國語普及設施。 第三章接著講述高雄州社會教化團體的設立過程。本章以青年團為例,1930年至1938年間青年團設立區域為公學校通學單位,隨著1930年代社會教化運動在部落的發展,加上中日戰爭爆發,強化擴大青年團以統制青年,青年團下設置部落分團,強化與部落的關係。本章以陸季盈日記為例,探討青年團除戰爭動員外,也包含公民養成及個人成就的可能性,這些活動更吸引青年團成員,成為柔性法西斯組織得以存續發展的重要原因。 第四章及第五章分從制度與運作層次探討部落官製社會教化團體的創設與運作問題。首先介紹1930年代以來日本本國推行的社會教化運動如何與臺灣產生連動,因此臺灣開始產生部落社會教化團體。高雄州結合產業與教化功能,在農村部落設置農實組,並創設社會教育統制機構民風作興會進行指導。接著分從農實組的組織、功能、人員方面討論,發現一開始農實組賦予產業與教化任務,隨著戰爭發展被賦予更多新的任務,而農實組職員在部落也就逐漸擁有更多權力。人員方面,分析農實組職員組成以中上層自耕農民及部分在村地主為主的可能性較大,實際執行者委任專任書記處理,這些書記雖非組合長也非菁英,但年輕且具備日語溝通能力,為官製社會教化團體的末端執行者。新制度農實組與舊制度保甲之間,從若干事例看來,有些街庄有高度重疊,有些無太多重疊,顯示部落有新人擔任農實組組合長。第四章最後探討中日戰爭爆發後,高雄州部分郡守透過「寺廟整理」並將財產等轉換至「農實組」(官製社教團體)名下,企圖徹底轉換部落議事中心,以達官方控制的目的,本節並探討臺灣人對寺廟整理的應對方式。 第五章則從陸季盈日記,探討街庄民風作興會與農實組的運作實況,並論述皇民奉公會成立後的變遷。發現幾點:首先,農實組確實實行相關產業與教化事業,不過這些都在街庄民風作興會的指導下,街庄民風作興會與部落農實組則是在郡民風作興會的積極統制下運作。其次發現部落民眾缺乏學習國語的動機,官方積極鼓勵與成效間存有落差。第五章最後論述皇奉會成立後部落同時存在保甲、部落會及農實組三種組織,及其產生的問題。


This thesis discusses about the establishment of the social education organizations in villages (a.k.a. hamlets/burakus) of Takao Prefecture (高雄州), and how they worked since 1930s. The analysis of these organizations is mainly based on official documents, and the diary of Lu, Ji-Ying (陸季盈), a participant of these organizations. The research is done with both internal and extarnal perspectives. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter analyzes a policy called the Baojia System (保甲制, a.k.a. hokô system), and the organizations such as the temples and the Common Bed-For-Rice-Plants Teams (共同苗代組合) in villages of Takao Prefecture before 1936. The Baojia System was a security system for villages, establishing Bao as the base unit of a village. The temples were the centers of villages, and were managed by the registration and licensing system of the government. The Common Bed-For-Rice-Plants Association had been established by the Takao Prefecture government based on Bao in order to promote agricultural development in villages since 1910s. The second chapter analyzes the situation of social education in Takao Prefecture -- the official Kachokai(家長會) and Kokugo Fukyukai (國語普及會)/Kokugo Koshujo (國語講習所). Before 1931, the government had minor concerns about the Kokugo Fukyu movement. However, it started to actively propagating the movement after 1933 via establishing Kokugo Koshujo islandwide. The third chapter then discusses the processes of the establishment of the social education organizations in Takao Prefecture. Common schools (公學校) became the main unit of Youth Corps (青年團, a.k.a. Seinendan) from 1930 to 1938, and sub-corps (分團) of villages was established due to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war and the social education movement since 1930s, in order to strengthen relationship between the corps and the villages. We also analyze of Lu, Ji-Ying's diary for his discussions about the function of Seinendan. The Youth Corps were established not only for the war mobilization, but also for increasing possibilities to develop personal achievements for citizens, which was more appealing to members of Seinendan. This is one critical reason why the flexible fascist organizations would even exist. The fourth chapter discusses the establishment and operation of social education organizations in villages in aspects of their systems and operations. First of all, we introduce how the social education movement in Japan is connected with Taiwan, and how the social education organizations of villages were established in Taiwan since 1930s. The Takao Prefecture government established AITs (Agriculture Implementation Teams, 農事實行組合) in villages, which hold both industrial and education functions, and established RCNAs (Revitalizing National Customs Associations, 民風作興會) for domination purposes. Second, we discuss the characteristics of the AIT in organizational and functional aspects. The AIT was initially assigned the tasks of industrial and social education. As the war continued, the AIT was given more tasks, and the staff gradually gained more power in villages. We also analyze the social classes of the AIT affiliates, and conclude that the organizations were mostly dominated by upper farmers and landowners. Last but not least, we discuss about the policies of the Takao Prefecture government of transferring the temples' properties to the AITs, in order to have better control of villages as the Sino-Japanese War continued. We also talk about the reactions of Taiwanese people to these policies. The fifth chapter discusses the operations of RNCA and AIT, and the impacts of the ISPS (Imperial Subjects for Patriotic Services, 皇民奉公會), utilizing materials investigated from Lu, Ji-Ying's diary. Several key points were found based on our investigation -- First of all, while AITs implemented agricultural and social education business, these actions were all guided by RNCA of each town. The RNCA and AIT of each town were both operating under the domination of the county's RNCA. Second, although the government propagated new policies of Japanese language acquisition, the villagers' incentive of language learning remains low. In the end, we discuss about the fact and the problems about the concurrence of Baojia, the Hamlet Association (部落會), and the AIT within villages.


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