  • 學位論文


Vocabulary in Chinese Newspapers:the Specialized Word List and the Lexical Features

指導教授 : 蔡宜妮


報刊新聞以報紙刊物為傳播媒介,藉由有限的篇幅及文字敘述來傳達大量的訊息,在結構、句式和詞彙上都呈現出其獨特的語體特色。而在語言教學中,由於報刊新聞屬於貼近母語者真正語言使用的真實材料(Authentic Material),加上其能幫助學習者掌握時事、汲取新知,並進一步地了解當地的社會和文化,因此常被當作是重要的閱讀教材。然而,新聞內容的廣泛及多元性也造成了學習者在閱讀報刊新聞時容易產生詞彙量缺乏、閱讀效率差的情形。 詞彙為形塑語體特色的重要因素,其不僅是串連句子、篇章以及承擔語言訊息的的重要角色,同時也是影響文本理解以及難易度的關鍵因素之一。對此,許多語言研究者與教學者提出以「詞表(Word List)」來輔助語言教學、提升學習成效的觀點,根據不同的學習目的來設定篩選標準,藉此找出符合篩選條件的詞彙集合,使詞彙的學習更具效率及針對性。有鑑於此,本研究以報刊新聞語體中的詞彙特色及詞表建置為研究主軸,藉由新聞語料的蒐集整理出報刊新聞中的高頻詞彙,以此分析報刊新聞詞彙的特色,也將所整理之高頻詞彙以專用詞表(Specialized Word List)之建置方法編輯成「華語報刊新聞常用詞表」,提供新聞教學及教材選材上的參考。 本研究以2016年1月至3月期間的華語報刊新聞為語料蒐集對象,涵蓋了「中國時報」、「自由時報」和「聯合報」三大報紙中的「國際」、「文化和教育」、「財經」、「影視娛樂」、和「生活」等5個新聞版面,共900篇報刊新聞,619,494字。在詞表建置的部分,本研究透過詞頻及基礎詞彙的篩選,整理出530個高頻詞彙編輯成華語報刊新聞常用詞表。此外,本研究也進一步地整理出5個新聞版面中的常用詞彙,藉此幫助學習者悉不同版面中常討論的議題以及容易出現的詞彙類型。而在詞彙分析的部分,分別從「單音節語彙」、「縮略語」、「流行語與新詞語」、「引證訊息之詞彙」及「新聞常見之大詞」等五個面向來探討報刊新聞語體中的詞彙特色。 最後,本研究將研究成果應用於設立學習目標、安排教學順序以及新聞教材選材之輔助,並針對所討論之新聞詞彙特色提出教學上的建議。


詞表 新聞華語 詞彙教學 語體


Newspaper is an important print media using succinct style to convey a large amount of information; it has unique register features in terms of the structure, syntax and lexicons. As one of the useful authentic materials in language teaching, newspaper can expose students not only to the real language used by native speakers but also to the current issues in the local society and culture. Although newspaper is commonly regarded as an important source of reading materials in language courses, students often find it difficult to read newspaper articles as newspaper covers a wide range of topics and vocabulary. This study aims to investigate the vocabulary of the newspaper register by creating the specialized Chinese newspaper word list and discussing vocabulary features based on a collection of 900 newspaper texts of total 619,494 characters. Researchers has put forward the concept of “word list” to set vocabulary goals for different leaning purposes. Furthermore, word list can provide learners with a reference to first focus on essential words and promote students’ learning efficiency. The current study collected 900 newspaper texts published from January to March in 2016 in three major newspapers in Taiwan: China Times, Liberty Times and United Daily News. The newspaper texts collected and examined come from five news sections: World news, Culture and Education, Business, Entertainment and Lifestyle. This study first came up with words of high frequency in the newspaper and then excluded the basic words to create the specialized Chinese Newspaper word list of 530 words. The lexical features of the vocabulary in the specialized word list were discussed. Besides, the high frequency words in each of the five news sections were also listed and discussed. Based on the results, the design for newspaper reading courses and teaching suggestions are proposed, which hopefully could provide some guidelines for learners and material designers in selecting texts.


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