  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Impression Constructed by Chinese Media: Taking CCTV’s Program “Cross-Strait” as an Example

指導教授 : 陳明通


中國的影視、廣播、出版等媒體皆受到政府控制,一般人民被排斥在傳媒領域之外,為的就是要達到教化民眾、統一輿論等政治目的。中國一直以來將解決臺灣問題、實現祖國統一視為重要戰略目標,在對內宣傳上也通過龐大的宣傳系統,依其兩岸政策建構出「臺灣印象」,同時促使中國人民接受這個印象,並且進一步支持政府的決策。 本文以中央電視臺唯一的涉臺時事評論節目《海峽兩岸》為研究對象,分析節目在臺灣前後兩任政府的議題挑選、標題設定及討論,是否呈現出不同的面向。研究發現中國政府對待陳水扁政府、馬英九政府態度截然不同,這樣的立場也反映在節目內容當中,扁政府時期的議題較著重在統獨、國際參與、政府作為、國防軍事、犯罪與經濟現況,並且以負面的標題和內容為主;馬政府時期的議題一方面持續強調前任政府的貪腐弊案,另一方面則著重在兩岸交流盛況,並且以正面或中立的標題和內容為主。此外,節目塑造出的臺灣印象,在扁政府到馬政府時期,呈現出從負面到正面的變化,證明節目內容與中國對臺戰略緊密結合,可說是中國政府對內宣傳兩岸政策的重要途徑。


China's film and television, broadcasting, publishing, and other forms of media are all under the control of the government. The exclusion of general public outside the media field is to allow the government to achieve guidance over the people and unity of public opinion for political purposes. China has always put in highest importance the strategic goal of solving the Taiwan problem and achieving national reunification. Through internal propaganda systems, China has constructed a “Taiwan impression” for their cross-strait policy, and facilitated to make the people accept this impression and further support the Government’s decision making. This thesis will focus its research on CCTV’s only Taiwan-related commentary program “Cross-Strait”, and analyze whether the topics, issues, and discussions have showed a different aspect in the two consecutive Taiwanese government administrations. Research found that the Chinese government possesses a very different attitude to the Chen Shui-Bian administration and the Ma Ying-Jeou administration, and this difference has made impact on the contents of the television program. During Chen Shui-Bian administration, the issues emphasized more on unification and independence, international participation, government actions, national defense, crime and economic status, and focused on negative issues and content. During Ma Ying-Jeou administration, the issues emphasized on the previous administration’s corruption scandals, cross-strait successes, and focused on positive issues and content. In addition, the impression of Taiwan created by the program has changed from negative to positive from the Chen Shui-Bian administration to the Ma Ying-Jeou administration. This proves that the program content is closely correlated to China’s strategy on Taiwan, and is one of the most important channels of propaganda for spreading cross-strait policy.




