  • 學位論文


The Research of Building External Wall Tiles Deterioration Diagnosis – Case Study of National Taiwan University School Building

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


近年來,外牆磁磚剝落事件頻傳,造成多起危害公共安全社會事件。本研究旨在開發建築物外牆磁磚劣化評估模式與準則,利用非破壞診斷技術提供國內老舊建築物評估整建之參考。經過文獻分析建築物外牆磁磚劣化之重要因素,檢視國內、外建築物外牆檢查制度及磁磚劣化診斷技術探討。 本研究所使用外觀目視法及打音診斷法兩種診斷方法,經由文獻回顧與蒐集相關資料進行分析與探討,擬定外牆磁磚診斷計畫,設定診斷步驟與流程,並就外牆磁磚診斷工具進行說明,以國立臺灣大學校園內46棟建築物外牆建築物作為研究對象,透過橋樑目視評估準則D.E.R&U方法之邏輯與精神,轉化為D.E.R目視評估法以劣化程度、範圍及對公共安全性之影響,評估狀況指標應用至建築物外牆磁磚診斷上。此外,考慮到目視法僅能評估已剝落之磁磚外牆,對於尚未產生明顯掉落之磁磚牆面,未能做更進一步的檢測,基於此本研究針對目視法評估後有疑慮之建築物進行進一步打音診斷方法之檢測,利用工具敲擊磁磚牆面所產生的音頻高低,經聲紋分析技術判定磁磚是否有浮凸的現象,彙整數據統計後找出磁磚牆面劣化打音診斷之檢測依據。 本研究初步提出建築物外牆磁磚診斷劣化標準程度評估準則與建議,供未來政府及民間進行外牆磁磚診斷時參考依據。建議國立臺灣大學未來評估外牆磁磚診斷劣化時可參考本研究之評估準則與建議,盡速將外牆磁磚及附掛物診斷機制納入年度校園巡檢制度中,以維校園公共安全。政府法令制度亦應儘速制訂並納入外牆檢查制度與規範,最終使建築物公共安全檢查將外牆磁磚及附掛物列為強制檢查項目,以達維護公共安全之目的。


In recent years, there have been frequent news on the coming off of tiles on external walls which caused many incidents threatening public safety.This research aims at exploring the assessment model and standards on the deterioration of tiles on external walls of buildings by using non-destructive assessment techniques to provide reference for old architectures in our country. The important factors affecting the deterioration of tiles on external walls of architectures would be analysed by looking into different literatures. The checking mechanism on external walls of architectures and the assessment techniques of tiles both in and outside the country will be evaluated. Focusing on the two assessment methods – checking of external appearance by sight and tap tone method, through literature review and gathering of relevant information for analysis, the plan for assessment of tiles on external wall would be drafted by setting the work flow of assessment and explaining the use of the assessment tool used for assessment of tiles on external walls. The external walls of 46 buildings in the University of Taiwan would be studied by D.E.R by sight for assessing its area and level of deterioration, as well as its impact on public safety, with the logic and principle of D.E.R&U evaluation method.In addition to that, giving thoughts that assessment by sight is only limited to external walls where some of the tiles have already come off, and is not applicable for walls which do not have any apparent signs of coming off, this study would use the tap tone method for a further assessment by distinguishing from the frequency of note produced when tapping the tiled walls with a tap tone tool. The sound waves would be analyzed to determine if there is any floating signs. A statistics would be produced to look for a reference for assessing the deterioration of tiles on external walls. The study suggests a standard for assessment and suggestion on the evaluation of deterioration of tiles on external walls for reference of the Government and the public in evaluating their tiled walls. It is suggested that future evaluation of deterioration of tiles on external walls could make reference to the reference and suggestion suggested in this study and incorporate the assessment mechanism of external tiled walls and attachment into the annual checking of the school campus for public safety on the campus.The Government should also set the checking mechanism and regulations of external walls in its legislation, so that the checking of tiles on external walls and its attachments would be made mandatory as one of the checking items for the sake of public safety.


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