  • 學位論文


Study on Damage Control of High-Strength Reinforced Concrete Wall with Openings

指導教授 : 黃世建


台灣住宅在功能需求上為求防漏雨水、防盜與私密性隔音,常在構架中增設許多的RC牆版。其又為使用需求,住宅之填充牆版常設開門、開窗等之開孔型式。這些著重使用及功能需求的RC開孔填充牆,非為結構桿件,但其勁度相對結構桿件而言甚高,致使地震來襲時常是整體結構較先損傷的部分。 當這些RC開孔填充牆遭受嚴重破壞時,即便其他結構桿件尚屬良好,民眾仍無法信任住宅之安全性而繼續居住。若依此震損提出修繕計畫之解決辦法,住戶需遷離原址以便整體建築修復,此將造成民眾流離失所。另提整體拆除重建計畫,復又造成巨大的社會成本。時下民眾對此情況因無法信任住宅之安全性仍多採後者拆建之措施,將對社會造成相當損失。由此而知RC開孔填充牆之震損是一影響震後恢復的重要因素。 然而工程界對於RC開孔填充牆之耐震能力不甚了解,以致於耐震分析上常忽略RC開孔填充牆之貢獻以及RC開孔填充牆因震害而損壞的可能。此對建築之耐震設計、評估與補強工作非常不利。 本研究製作四座試體,測試牆體區域之長、寬、高分別為200 cm、20 cm、190 cm;設定邊界構材尺寸和是否開孔為變因以試驗方式進行研究,開孔型式皆為左右對稱、距基礎頂面85 cm之一 之窗型開孔。試驗是以單曲率、單向往復載重進行,欲了解高強度鋼筋混凝土開孔牆之裂縫行為與結構行為。試驗之後,藉所觀察之遲滯迴圈、裂縫寬度、裂縫長度、混凝土剝落面積、影像量測和應變計讀值,以探討試體之力學行為和裂縫發展行為。 就力學行為上,ACI 318-14要求若牆墩位於開孔牆之邊緣,則須於牆墩上下端設計水平鋼筋以傳遞牆墩之剪力至毗連牆段,但並未說明其定量設計方法。本研究藉應變計之讀值確定: 關於開孔上下方之水平鋼筋與邊界構材之剪力容量,僅開孔上下方之水平鋼筋可對剪力元素提供其水平承載能力。另就應變計結果亦顯示,本研究試體設計足以使高強度鋼筋發展其降伏強度( )。 就裂縫行為上具開孔之試體,其裂縫寬度發展、裂縫密度和混凝土剝落面積比明顯指出其相較未開孔試體較易達到損害標準。而殘餘裂縫之發展和尖峰裂縫發展與層間變位角之關係並非為一線性之發展。二者於混凝土剝落或擠碎前皆具一迅速發展期。 試驗後根據現有之損害評估與控制方法,評估本研究之試體損傷情形。本研究探討日本AIJ 2010與日本AIJ 2004之修復性能界限規定,建議以日本AIJ 2004修復性能界限I為修復性能界限較為適當。


High-strength materials as concrete and steel are commonly used in high-rise, residential buildings. There are a lot of walls constructed in residential buildings. Due to functional requirement, openings of doors and windows are often required for these walls. The stiffness of the walls with openings is relatively high that the walls with openings are the first elements to be broken under earthquake. These walls with openings are not the structural elements which provide the capacity of the building. When they are broken, the owners of the damaged buildings usually lose their confidence on building safety. In consequence, those buildings with damaged non-structural walls are demolished and rebuilt. Thus we need to investigate the damage control of the walls with openings. This study tested four specimens whose size of the test area is 200×20×190 cm. The test parameters are the size of the boundary element and the window openings. The walls with openings have the same size of the openings, 55×55 cm. The designed concrete strength is 70 MPa, and the nominal yielding strength of steel is 785 MPa. Test objective is to observe the relationship between the lateral force and the deformation, crack width, crack length, and concrete spalling ACI 318-14 requires to detail the horizontal reinforcement above and below the wall pier, but it doesn’t describe how to design clearly. By the strain gages attached on the steel, we can confirm that the horizontal reinforcement can surely play the role to transfer the shear from the wall pier to adjacent wall segments. By comparing the crack width, crack length, and the spalling area, it is found that the walls with openings have more severe damage than the walls without opening. As comparing the ratio of the peak crack width to the residual crack width, the ratio is not a constant. Finally, as for the reparability limit state defined in AIJ 2004 and AIJ 2010, this study recommends to adopt the reparability limit stage I provided by AIJ 2004.


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