  • 學位論文


Prediction of Lateral Load Displacement Curve of Reinforced Concrete Wall with Openings

指導教授 : 黃世建


在台灣震損調查中,皆可發現低矮型街屋的破壞多集中在一樓。這與街屋一樓的結構特性有關,為滿足使用性和私密性等需求,街屋沿騎樓方向的牆量較少,且多屬開孔牆(室內梯間牆、屋後牆),是結構耐震能力之弱向。為經濟有效地對街屋作新建設計、以及舊有街屋耐震評估與補強,不可忽略開孔RC牆之耐震貢獻。 本研究的目的是為了開發一套開孔RC牆側力位移曲線分析模型,並應用於結構耐震能力分析上。工程師在評估結構物耐震能力時,常使用側推分析以求取整體結構之側力容量曲線,當中若以等值寬柱模擬開孔RC牆時,可以本研究開發之開孔RC牆側力位移曲線,輸入於等值寬柱之剪力塑鉸,以模擬其剪力行為。 美國ACI 318-14規範,規定須在開口附近額外配置水平鋼筋與垂直鋼筋,但此規定為一定性說明。本研究建立之開孔RC牆側力位移曲線,能反映到這些開口補強筋的配置與細節,對開孔RC牆耐震能力之貢獻,因而對開孔RC牆的側力位移曲線能作較準確之評估。


In the past earthquake reconnaissance in Taiwan, it is easily discovered that the devastations of low-rise street buildings are mainly concentrated on the first floor. It is most related to the structural performance of the first floor of the low-rise street buildings. Fulfilling the demand such as usability and privacy, the amounts of wall along the arcade of street buildings are limited. Also, those walls are basically composed of the stairway walls and the backhouse walls, which are the walls with openings. In order to retrofit the existing street buildings in a more economical and efficient way, we have to consider effectively the contribution of the walls with openings in the seismic evaluation. Even in the design of the new buildings, the walls with openings can be regarded as an earthquake resisting members. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to propose a model of lateral load displacement curve of the reinforced concrete (RC) walls with openings. When engineers evaluate the seismic capacity of structure, they usually apply pushover analysis to get its lateral load capacity curve. If the wall with openings is regarded as an equivalent column, the lateral load displacement curve proposed in this study can be applied to the shear plastic hinge of that equivalent column. It is proved by two series of experiment that the proposed curve can imitate the shear behavior of the RC wall with openings. According to ACI 318-14, it is required that extra horizontal and vertical reinforcement should be placed near the openings. However, this requirement is a qualitative description. Once the mentioned reinforcement fits certain detailing requirement, the lateral load displacement curve proposed in this research can include their seismic contribution.


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