  • 學位論文


Examining the Relationships Between Place Attachment and Experience Use History

指導教授 : 鄭佳昆


地方情感是人對特定地點所產生的情感,通常被認為需要經過一段時間與地點的接觸才會產生,而這段與地點接觸的經驗稱為「使用經驗」、地方情感則稱做「地方依附感」。使用經驗反映出一個人在過去與地點接觸的經驗中,接收到地點資訊的程度,因此使用經驗潛在的假設為:地點使用經驗越高的人,對於地點的活動和資源會有比較多的認識和了解。地方依附感主要包含地方依賴感與地方認同感兩個情感構面;地方依賴感為人對地點的功能或資源產生的情感,地方認同感則主要是建立於人對地點象徵性意義的情感。使用經驗是發展地方情感的重要關鍵,兩者之間高度的相關性讓許多相關的研究在討論情感時,都會將使用經驗包含在範疇內,甚至認為使用經驗的高低可以直接反映人對於地點的地方情感。然而,雖然使用經驗廣泛地被運用於地方情感相關的研究,但對於使用經驗是如何影響地方依附感的部份探討有限,並存在概念衝突和不明確之處。本研究將分別從三個部份來探討使用經驗與地方依附感的關係,特別是使用經驗對地方情感發展的影響。 研究一的重點在於探討地方依賴感與地方認同感兩個地方依附構面之間的因果關係。過去研究認為,地方依附感的兩個構面的情感強度不同,存在發生的先後順序與因果關係,但過去研究對於此因果關係存在看法的衝突,因此研究將透過PLS-SEM的統計方法,釐清地方依賴感與地方認同感之間的因果關係。研究結果顯示,兩種不同的因果關係都可能存在。人在與地點接觸的過程中,地方情感的發展可能由地方依賴感發展至地方認同感,但也有可能是地方認同感發展至地方依賴感,而這樣的結果也反映出地點可能同時存在兩種不同情感發展機制的使用者。 研究二討論不同的使用經驗對地方依附構面的影響。地點的使用頻率和使用時間長度是過去相關研究中,時常用來了解地點使用經驗的指標。雖然許多研究認為不同的使用經驗對地方情感都有顯著的影響,但有研究指出,不同的使用經驗對地方依附構面的影響程度不同。研究二透過PLS-SEM的統計方法,探討不同使用經驗對地方依賴感和地方認同感的影響。研究結果顯示,不同使用經驗分別對不同地方依附構面有影響的差別,其中地點的使用頻率和使用時間長度會直接影響地方依賴感的發展,但並不會直接影響地方認同感。 研究三分成兩個部份來探討使用經驗對地方情感發展的影響。第一部份的研究藉由少見的固定樣本追蹤法,了解特定一群受訪者在一段時間前後對特定公園情感的差異,探討實際地點的使用經驗對不同地方依附構面的影響。研究結果顯示,調查時間間隔所反映出來的使用經驗僅對地方認同感產生影響,地方依賴感則是沒有明顯的增加或改變。另外,過去研究多認為使用經驗與地方情感之間存在正向的線性關係,但有文獻也指出地方情感的發展可能以非線性的模式發展。因此,研究三第二部份藉由比較不同統計迴歸模型與樣本分佈狀態的配適度,探討可能的地方情感發展模式。研究結果顯示,在使用經驗的影響下,地方依賴感和地方認同感的發展模式除線性模式外,也可能為非線性的對數關係,說明情感在與地點接觸的初期會快速發展,並在發展至一定程度後,情感的成長會逐漸趨緩。 本研究從不同的角度切入,探討使用經驗對地方情感發展的影響,而研究結果將能夠提供未來相關研究做為參考。另外在實務上,研究的內容也能夠幫助管理者了解遊客對遊憩地點的情感發展,以決定遊憩區發展的目標客群和相關服務計畫等。


Sense of place is the sentiment that people develop toward a specific place, and studies may refer this as “place attachment”. In order for place attachment to develop, certain amount of “exposure” to a place is required, and this may be called as “experience use history” or “EUH” to a place. EUH refers as the knowledge of a place that people receive in the past experience with the place. Therefore, it assumes that people with higher EUH have greater place knowledge. Past studies suggested that place attachment included two dimensions: place dependence and place identity. Place dependence is the sentiment that one develops based on the functions or resources that the place provides. Place identity is the emotion toward the symbolic meaning of the place. EUH is a key for place attachment to induce, and the two concepts are highly related that studies even assumed EUH can reflect place attachment. However, although EUH and place attachment are commonly mentioned in the past studies, but how EUH influences place attachment is rarely discussed in detail. Therefore, this is study is aimed to examine the relationship between EUH and place attachment from three different aspects, especially focus on the influence of EUH in the development of place attachment. Study I focuses on the causation between place dependence and place identity. Studies have suggested that place dimensions vary by their sentiment strength, and this indicates the order that place dimensions develop. However, other studies proposed different perspective upon this order. Therefore, study I is aimed to clarify the relationship and causation between place dependence and place identity. The result suggested that different causations may exit among the place dimensions. When people are exposed to a place, place sentiment may develop from place dependence to place identity, but this mechanism may also happen in reversed way. The two possible results suggested that there are two kinds of mechanisms for place attachment to develop. Study II is aimed to explore different effects of place attachment dimensions. Frequency and length of visitation to a place are the most common indicators for EUH. Although many studies suggested that both frequency and length of visit can significantly influence their affective bond to the place, but some pointed that different EUH indications have different extent of influence to place dimensions. Study II used PLS-SEM to examine different influence of EUH indications to place dimensions. The results showed that different EUH may affect place dependence and place identity independently. Frequency and length of visit would influence place dependence directly, but they may not cause any difference in place identity. Study III includes two parts. First part of the study is to examine how EUH affects place dimensions through penal study. The result suggested that the actual EUH would affect place identity to develop, but not place dependence. The second part of the study examine the relationship between EUH and place dimension, in order to identify a suitable pattern in the development of place attachment. The result indicated both place dependence and place identity may have a logarithmic pattern of development. This suggested that the affective bond to a place would develop very quickly once a person is exposed to the place, but the development of the bond would start to slow down once the person has more experience with the place. The study examines the influences of EUH on place attachment through different aspects. The study not only provided greater knowledge in EUH, the results provided background knowledge in recreation management, and may help the managers to decide the target tourists in recreational destinations.


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