  • 學位論文


The Competitive Strategy Study of the Small Foreign Life Insurer in China Market

指導教授 : 曹承礎


中國的人壽保險市場因加入WTO而開放市場,由於其市場發展前景看好,吸引國外大型跨國保險集團,以合資方式在中國成立保險公司。自2002年開放外資保險公司進入中國市場之初,中國政府在政策上基於保護中資保險公司出發點,訂出限制外資壽險公司發展的政策。經過多年發展,這個市場形成中資保險公司市場佔有率超過九成的競爭態勢。 本論文主要的研究方向,是分析中國人壽保險產業競爭態勢,並以個案分析的方法,探討一個外資中小型保險公司未來發展方向與策略。使用Michael Porter的五力分析模型與Brandenburger-Nalebuff的六力分析架構、價值鏈分析模型、SWOT分析模型及中國互聯網+新發展態勢等研究架構,詳細分析該產業環境的競爭態勢,並剖析個案公司在人壽保險產業價值鏈上主要活動,對標主要競爭者後,對自身的能力強弱進行分析。而後,結合個案公司的內部優勢與劣勢,與外部的機會與挑戰,探討個案公司未來的發展策略。


China opened her insurance market since her joined the WTO in 2000. Many multi-national insurance companies are keen to enter this fast-growing market by partnered with local partners to form a joint-venture insurance company. To protect the local company, the Chinese government set some restrictive regulations on foreign insurance company, which limited their business expansion to some extent. After a decade development, the local companies dominate the market with a share over 90%. In this thesis, we adopt several analytical models, Michael Porter Five Forces Model, Brandenburger-Nalebuff Six Forces Model, Value-Chain Model, SWOT Method, to analyze the China life insurance market and its competitive environment to explore opportunities and threats. Then we take a small scale foreign insurance company as a case study to identify in-depth analysis on its strength and weakness of its capabilities. We also introduce how the internet technologies will impact and assist insurance companies to strengthen its business model and customer service level. Based on these analysis, a set of strategies are proposed to attain competitive advantages.


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