  • 學位論文


A Study of Choice Strategy of China Insurance Intermediary Market by Taiwan Life Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 陳瑞


隨著中國大陸經濟成長與市場優勢的崛起,全球金融業都重視這塊市場的同時,台灣也不例外。2004年4月已經有我國壽險公司獲准在大陸開設合資壽險公司,不過當地的保險中介市場,制度與經營經驗都尚未成熟之下,對台灣是個機會也是個挑戰。 在選用保險中介市場時,需考量各方面的主客觀因素,因此本研究運用問卷來進行分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarch Process:AHP),以探討台灣壽險業的選擇策略。且並以專屬營銷人員系統、銀行兼業保險代理、經紀人與專業代理人公司三類,作為選用通路的評比對象。在經過文獻整理與訪談業者專家後,本研究歸納出五項評估評估準則,以及每項評估準則下二到四項的測量指標。 實證分析中使用Expert choice統計軟體,來處理受訪的十八位有意對當地佈局的台灣壽險業及輔助人業者之問卷,其中十二位壽險公司,六位為經代人公司。在對壽險公司業者分析後發現,影響其選擇大陸中介市場的因素優先次序為:「行銷效益(0.270)」、「通路發展潛力 (0.235)」、「通路配合狀況(0.209)」、「費用成本(0.159)」、「形象建立(0.127)」,而輔助人選擇順序為:「專屬營銷人員系統(0.490)」、「銀行兼業保險代理(0.274)」、「經紀人與專業代理人公司(0.237)」。在經代人的看法中,影響選擇因素優先順序為:「形象建立(0.271)」、「通路發展潛力 (0.239)」、「通路配合狀況(0.193)」、「行銷效益(0.181)」、「費用成本(0.116)」,對輔助人選擇順序為:「專屬營銷人員系統(0.376)」、「銀行兼業保險代理(0.334)」、「經紀人與專業代理人公司(0.290)」。而總合全部意見後的選擇因素優先順序為:「行銷效益(0.243)」、「通路發展潛力 (0.241)」、「通路配合狀況(0.206)」、「形象建立(0.166)」、「費用成本(0.144)」,而輔助人選擇順序為:「專屬營銷人員系統(0.443)」、「銀行兼業保險代理(0.291)」、「經紀人與專業代理人公司(0.266)」。 結論歸納出台灣壽險業者在中國大陸保險中介市場中,選擇輔助人的方向,分別為有效通路須長期培育、因應變化快速的市場、注重配合度公司文化移植、專屬營銷體系為關鍵。另外也運用實證分析結果,找尋出各輔助人之優劣勢所在,並對廠商與後續研究者提出相關建議。


Along with the economy growth and market superiority rising in Mainland China, the global finance industries take the market seriously, and Taiwan is not exceptional. In April 2004, Mainland China had already allowed our country life insurance company to open the joint capital life insurance company in china. However it is an opportunity and also a challenge to Taiwan when the system and the management experience both are not mature in China insurance intermediary market. It needs to consider all kinds of subjective and objective factors in choosing the insurance intermediary market, therefore this research uses of the questionnaire to carry on Analytic Hierarch Process (AHP), and discuss the Taiwan life insurance industry choice strategy. And we uses " life insurance company sales", "bancassurance", " insurance agents and brokers" three type to be the evaluation object of using the Channels. After putting the document in order and going to interview the expert operator, this research sums up in five evaluated standards and each standard has two for four measure indexes. Finally, this research uses Expert choice program to analyze 18 Taiwan life insurance operators who interesting in china market. After analyzing, The factors which effect choosing the insurance intermediary market in sequence are "Marketing benefit (0.243)", " channel potential(0.241)","channel compliance(0.206)","image establishment (0.166)","expense cost (0.144)", but the evaluation object chooses the order is: "life insurance company sales (0.443)", "bancassurance (0.291)", "insurance agents and brokers (0.266)". The conclusion induces the direction that Taiwan insurance choosing insurance intermediary market in china, respectively for grows over a long period of time; notice to change the fast market; and most important is company sales; company culture transplants. And using the result of empirical analysis to search every evaluation object's strength and weakness.


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